Teasing too far

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Prompt - please do a scary movie prompt where they’re watching a scary movie during a thunder storm and they’re in a movie room with a huge bed and all of them are cuddled together Nath in the middle on top of Tom because Tom sat in the middle then Nathan kinda laid down his chest because Tom knew Nath would get scared and the power goes out there’s thunder and Nathan freaks and one of the boys laughs and teases Nath and takes it too far and pulls a prank Tom decides that Nathan will spank the boy with 3 implements of his choice no matter how severe and the boy will be given a long hard severe spanking because this had happened many times in the past and the last time Tom had warned that the next boy who does something like this to Nath would regret it and kinda fluffy at the ending like the boy who scared Nath jumps and whimpers because of thunders and then Nath comforts him thx


“There’s going to be a thunderstorm tonight!” Max told Tom. “Great, I know 3 certain persons who would hate that.” Tom said. “Baby Nath for sure! Siva, I know he doesn’t like storms! Jay, I didn’t know!” Max said. “Actually, Baby Nath we all know he is scared of storms! Siva, the last time we shared a room, there was a thunderstorm and he wasn’t doing that great! Jay, I also don’t know! Maybe he isn’t!” Tom said. “What say we have a movie marathon?” Max asked. “You mean distract them?” Tom asked. Max winked at Tom confirming his little plan.

By evening, Tom and Max had everything ready. The boys gathered up in the movie room which had a much bigger bed that all five could share. After dinner, the five cuddled in the bed. Jay was the one who chose the movie while everyone thought it would be Avatar; they were surprised to see Jay put in a horror movie. Tom was in the middle with Nathan cuddled in with him and practically lying on top of him. Jay was on the other end of the bed just next to Tom. To the other side of Nathan and Tom was Max and next to Max was Siva.

Tom was so tempted to tell Jay to change the movie every time Nathan held on to him tighter. The boy was shaking and Tom could feel it as he rubbed Nathan’s back. But the worse for Nathan was yet to come when suddenly there was a roar of thunder and the power went off suddenly. Nathan let out a scream and Tom tightened his hold on the boy. Max could feel Siva shaking and wordlessly pulled the boy closer to him. Jay was also scared of the thunder so when he saw Nathan shaking and sniffling, he decided to tease the boy to take his mind off.

“Look at Nathan being such a baby! Oh wait! He is actually a baby!” Jay laughed. Nathan shook his head burying his head in Tom’s chest. The power suddenly came back. “Aww… Look at him! BABY NATHAN is such a B A B Y!” Jay laughed. “Jay, you better stop that!” Max warned. Jay shut his mouth as Tom and Max got up to find candles in case the power goes off again. Jay leaned over and smiled as he saw Siva sleeping! Placing his mouth next to a shaking Nathan’s ear, Jay screamed. Nathan was so scared that the shout that left his mouth had Max and Tom running to get back to the room and had Siva fallen down from the bed clutching his chest.

“What happened?” Tom asked. Max helped Siva up rubbing his back to help him calm down. Tom pulled Nathan closer to him. “Jay scared me!” Nathan sobbed. “I had enough with this Jay! I had said to stop teasing Nathan! Hadn’t I?” Tom said. Jay paled even more. “I would gladly spank you for this but this time I’ll let Nathan do it!” Tom said. “No” both Nathan and Jay said. “Yes! Nathan will have to spank you that also with 3 things!” Tom said. Nathan shook his head but a glare from Tom had him moving. “Can I just give him 5 swats?” Nathan said. “Alright! 5 from the paddle, 5 from the hairbrush, 5 from your hand!” Tom said.

Nathan nodded. He looked up at Jay. But Jay wasn’t moving at all. Tom had enough with Jay stalling this. He walked to jay and pulled him to bend over the bed holding him with a hand on his back while he pulled his sweat pants and boxers down. He nodded to Nathan who softly spanked Jay.

Starting with his hand first.


Then with the hairbrush.


Then with the paddle


Nathan went really soft on Jay and Tom had been shaking his head all the time. But that had knocked some sense in Jay. “I’m sorry Nath!” Jay said to Nathan as they both hugged each other. “That was too less and too soft! Over my lap, Jay! We’ve got to finish this!” Tom said. Nathan shook his head as Tom pulled Jay over his lap but Max pulled Nathan to himself. Tom adjusted Jay on his lap.

SWAT SWAT You don’t tease SWAT SWAT your baby brother SWAT SWAT you don’t pull pranks on him SWAT SWAT I’m disappointed Jay SWAT SWAT I know you love your little brother SWAT SWAT all this was uncalled for SWAT SWAT he was really soft on you SWAT you scared him SWAT SWAT And not to forget Siva also SWAT SWAT I don’t want this to happen again SWAT SWAT

Tom finished the spanking cuddling Jay as a few tears were shed. He rubbed Jay’s back. “What say we get some sleep now?” Tom asked smiling at his boys. They cuddled back in the same position that they were earlier when once again the thunder roared and this time it was Jay who whimpered. Nathan smiled and tugged at Jay’s hand pulling him closer to Tom who opened his arms cuddling his two baby brothers. One snuggled in his side and the other practically lying on top of him. Tom glanced at Max who had Siva in his arms.

Tom waited for a few more time making sure the other three were asleep before speaking. “Sometimes Jay takes the teasing too far!” Tom said. “Yeah and Nathan would never be able to spank someone I guess!” Max added. “Seems like it! At least now we know all three should be given equal attention at least on thunderstorm days!” Tom chuckled. Max laughed before stifling it when Siva groaned. “Don’t wake him up!” Tom said softly.


Dedicated to my sweethearts!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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