Summer vacations

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Prompt - As summer vacations were around the corner all the kids were discussing how they were all going out somewhere with their families. Nath also wanted to go out somewhere for a small vacation and when he discuss with the boys they say no because of their schedule. Nath for once understood and agreed with the boys on it and decided to concentrate on his work of writing songs and interviews but as his friends went out and started posting pics he started getting upset but never told the boys and started missing his family and cried himself to sleep almost every day. Boys took notice of it and when they asked him he said everything was fine. Boys knew something was off as Nath was not his own self. Even Scooter notice the change in his boy.... So after sometime he decides to take the boys out on vacation to lift his boy's mood...

Prompt - oh please make a chapter where Nathan and the boys are at the amusement park and the boys tell Nathan to stay put and he decides to go wonder off somewhere the boys can't find him you can finish it :)


Summer vacations are the ones that kids really look forward to. Nathan was no exception to that. He loved the summer vacations. This time though he was with the boys but that only meant double fun, right? But not this time. This summer vacations were going to be a little different for Nathan, because they were still busy with their schedule. Like it or not, Nathan couldn't enjoy his summer vacations as usual. This summer vacations meant all work and no play.

Nathan definitely didn't like this situation. When he shared his idea about going on a small vacation with the boys, he was met with sad sighs and slight shake of a head. "Nath, our schedule is not cleared off buddy." Max sighed. "We still got band meetings, a few recordings and public appearances, Nath" Jay said. "Oh okay" Nathan mumbled. The sad look on his face was a little heartbreaking to the boys but there was nothing that they could really do about it. Thankfully, Nathan wasn't making a big fuss about it.

Nathan actually for once wasn't throwing a tantrum about it. But that didn't mean he was happy about it. It didn't help when he saw pictures of his friends on summer vacations. Though it made him upset, Nathan kept it to himself. He didn't tell the boys anything about it. He missed his family and friends like hell. It was making him homesick to the point that he would cried himself to sleep these days. Even when the boys noticed and asked him, Nathan would assure them that he was fine. But he wasn't really fine at all.

The boys had noticed how Nathan wasn't himself. They knew that the boy was upset. Even Scooter had noticed how his little boy wasn't quite being his own self right now. That is why they made a decision. During one of their band meetings, they brought up the surprise to Nathan. The boy had been silent when suddenly Scooter said, "I have a surprise for you, Little Nath." Nathan raised an eyebrow at that when Scooter continued, "We're going for a mini summer vacation. Just for two weeks though and then back here for the work." Scooter had barely said the word vacation when Nathan launched himself in Scooter's arms. "Really Daddy? We're going for a vacation?" Nathan's excitement was already making itself known. Scooter couldn't hold in his chuckle sign.

Nathan had been a little bundle of energy during the vacations. They went to the beach, threw some parties and basically had no problem with any of the boys. The only little problem they got was when they went to the amusement park. The boys had asked Nathan to stay put while Tom and Max went to the bathroom and Siva and Jay had been off to get Nathan a bottle of water. Scooter was within seeing distance as he attended a phone call. Basically, Nathan was safe but when the boys and Scooter returned, Nathan had wandered off.

Nathan hadn't managed to get far. They caught up with him staring at the candy store and within seconds, Nathan found himself being dragged by his ear to a little corner. Scooter shook his head at the boy as he watched Tom quickly spank the boy. Tom turned the boy sideways before smacking his backside.


Don't you dare wander off like this again


As Tom ended the short spanking, he pulled the boy in a quick hug. Though it was a short spanking, he had already been in tears. "Shush down, baby. It's okay now." Tom was quick to shush him down. "Come on baby, don't you want to buy that candy? I'll buy you some" Siva said and in a minute, Nathan's mood perked up again. He followed Siva and Jay to the candy store, spanking long forgotten, leaving Tom, Max and Scooter to shake their heads fondly at Nathan.

The summer vacation though small had been lovely for Nathan. After that one week with Scooter and the boys, he got to spend one week back at home with his family and friends before joining the boys back. The summer vacations was really good for him.


Dedicated to Panwar1205 and LarryLashtonNom!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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