Too adamant

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Prompt - Hey, listen I got a new prompt for "baby of the band". Could you do something like where Nathan is not allowed to do something/have something which belongs to one of the boys or even Kevin? Nathan can’t help doing it/having it and so somehow he gets it without the others knowing. Sadly he posts on twitter about this and the boys/Kevin get to know. So they give him a spanking

Oh yeah! How about Kevin/one of the boys’ wallet! To buy something or maybe do something like go to a carnival/festival. They refuse to take him/give him so first he rebels which earns him warnings and maybe a few swats and den he gets d idea. But he keeps d wallet back but den d guys notice d money's half gone or something


Nathan usually was a good boy. He didn’t really throw tantrums unnecessarily. But sometimes, the boys just couldn’t understand Nathan. There would be days Nathan would be so adamant and throw tantrums which will prompt the boys to pull Nathan over their laps. But they surely learnt one thing that when Nathan would be adamant about something, he would try all his best to get that thing and much later is when he will regret it. Usually, it would be after a spanking that Nathan would regret being so adamant.

This time what Nathan was being adamant about was to go to the carnival. The boys had made it clear to Nathan that he wasn’t going. The boys themselves wouldn’t be going to the carnival and they didn’t want Nathan to go alone. The boy could get mobbed there and it’s not like Nathan can take care of himself. He’s proved that wrong so many times. The boys weren’t really sure that Nathan should be left to go to the carnival alone. So they refused the boy. But Nathan was really adamant to go to the carnival and for that he was ready to do anything. Even steal money and sneak out!

Nathan had been waiting for a chance to get some money to go to the carnival. The day of the carnival, the boys noticed how Nathan was upset and cranky. Nathan had tried everything to get some money from the boys but they refused to give him any.     Finally, it was as if Nathan’s luck when Kevin came. The man walked in removing his wallet and car keys, dropping them on the table in the living room as he sat with the boys. “What’s wrong?” Kev asked. “Nath wants to go to the carnival” Jay said. “So?” Kev asked. “We are all tired. We can’t go there and we cannot let Nathan go there alone too. But little guy is now all sad.” Siva explained. “Kev, you come with me then” Nathan perked up. “Nath” Max warned. “I’m sorry buddy. Even I’m really tired. How about some other time?” Kev said. “But” Nathan pouted. “No buts, how about you take a nap and when you wake up you won’t be upset at all.” Tom said, pulling Nathan on his lap and rubbing the boy’s back to make him feel sleepy. Nathan wanted to protest but instead he felt asleep listening to the boys chatter with Kevin.

After his little nap when Nathan woke up, the boys were in the kitchen with Kevin. Glancing at the table, Nathan saw Kevin’s wallet. He knew he should not steal but he also knew that if he asked the boys, they will never let him go to the carnival, so without really thinking Nathan took half of the money from the wallet and snuck out of the house. The boys hadn’t even noticed that Nathan was missing since they were sure that after Tom had put Nathan up in bed for a nap, the boy will more likely sleep for some time.

At the carnival, Nathan had been enjoying himself. He also met some fans but fortunately nobody was crowding him and he was able to roam around freely. Snapping a quick pic, he posted it on twitter. That had been Nathan’s biggest mistake! Unfortunately for Nathan, Jay was on twitter that day and happened to see Nathan’s tweet and his pic. “Guess what boys? Nath is at the carnival.” Jay said, showing the shocked boys Nathan’s tweet and pic. “I’m tanning his ass” Tom seethed. “Let’s go fetch him, first” Siva said. “Kev, will you drive us?” Max asked. “Yeah sure come on. Let me take my keys” Kev said but as he took his keys and wallet, Kevin noticed that the wallet felt too light. Checking his wallet, the man gasped. “What’s wrong?” Max asked. “I could swear I had more money in this” Kev said. Tom sighed, “Nath!”

Unaware that the boys were coming to fetch him, Nathan was roaming around when suddenly he felt a smack to his backside. “Ouch! What the hell?” Nathan gasped. “What are you doing here when clearly you should be in bed taking a nap?” Tom asked. “I-I-I” Nathan stammered. “You what? You stole Kev’s money and snuck out” Max said. “I’m sorry” Nathan mumbled. “Not as much as you will be when you reach home” Tom said, dragging Nathan back to the car. Kev drove the boys back home and soon as Nathan was inside the house, Tom pulled him on his lap and pushed down his jeans and boxers.

SWAT SWAT You do not SWAT SWAT sneak out SWAT SWAT of house SWAT SWAT ever again SWAT SWAT You know how SWAT SWAT worried we were SWAT SWAT Anything could SWAT SWAT have happened SWAT SWAT to you SWAT SWAT You could have SWAT SWAT gotten mobbed SWAT SWAT gotten kidnapped SWAT SWAT or something SWAT SWAT none of us SWAT SWAT would have even SWAT SWAT known anything. SWAT SWAT You are SWAT SWAT a celebrity Nath SWAT SWAT you cannot SWAT SWAT walk  freely SWAT SWAT in crowd SWAT SWAT We are not SWAT SWAT happy to say no SWAT SWAT to you SWAT SWAT But I prefer have SWAT SWAT you upset SWAT SWAT than hurt SWAT SWAT You got me? SWAT SWAT Never again SWAT SWAT

Tom ended the spanking as he held Nathan to himself for a while. He rubbed Nathan’s back and waited for the boy to calm down a little. “I’m sorry” Nathan whispered. “I know baby. But it’s not over. You still have to be punished for stealing from Kevin’s wallet, right? How about we let Kev do that?” Tom said, making Nathan stand up. Tom nodded at Kevin who pulled Nathan on his lap.

SWAT SWAT if you need money SWAT SWAT you ask me SWAT SWAT But do not SWAT SWAT ever steal okay SWAT SWAT Or else SWAT SWAT I’ll give you SWAT SWAT worse than this  SWAT SWAT Never again SWAT SWAT Nathan SWAT SWAT

As soon as Kevin had ended the spanking, Nathan had burst in tears again. “I’m so sorry Kev. I’ll never steal. Be a good boy now” Nathan promised. “I know buddy. You are always a good boy but you’re just too adamant some time.” Kevin chuckled. “Oh baby, how about you take a nap again? Sounds good?” Siva asked, getting Nathan to wear his boxers again. “Jay” Nathan sniffled and lifted his arms towards the boy. “Nap time definitely” Jay chuckled and scooped Nathan up to put him in bed. “Nathan is really adamant sometimes” Max said. “Yeah, that he is” Tom sighed.


Dedicated to @XD_SoTotallyMe123!

Thank you to those reading!

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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