We love you all

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Prompt - please make one where Nath gets lost in the mall and gets really scared and Jay was jealous so when Nath is found, Jay tells him to f off and he should leave because no one wants a crybaby in the band. So Nath gets really stressed out and runs away so Tom and Max ask Jay where is Nath. And Siva saw everything and hears Jay lying about it so he tells the others and Tom and Max are fuming mad. And Max takes Jay home to spank him for making fun of Nath. And then Tom and Seev find Nath hiding in an alley. And Nath is crying and when he sees Tom he starts crying and saying daddy so he regresses a bit and Tom just picks him up and carries him home while Nath is screaming put me down you don't love me. And that makes Tom's heart break and when they get home they see Jay sleeping and tom just cuddles Nath close. He is just making sure Nath still feels love. Thanks can't wait for the next update sorry that it was so long.


Such things were very common in every family. Every family has known issues like jealousy between the kids. It was the same thing with The Wanted boys. It rarely happened that Nathan, Jay or Siva would get jealous of each other. Tom and Max were usually very careful in giving everyone equal attentions. But sometimes they just didn't notice the little jealousy brewing amongst the youngest ones until it gets serious enough for them to intervene.

Recently, the same scenario was repeated. Tom and Max had been completely clueless about Jay's little jealousy against Nathan. Since the past few days, Tom and Max had been giving Nathan a little more attention. The boy had seemed to be regressing in the past few days and no one could really blame him. He was stressed, tired and found comfort in just going back to that little headspace. Hence, Tom and Max had to give the boy a little more attention than usual. They all understood it but that didn't mean they were happy with it. Siva wasn't happy that Nathan got all the attention but Jay was certainly not liking that the attention was shifting from them to Nathan. And he was determined to make his feelings known.

It happened during one of their trips at the mall. Jay had been one who was really excited for this trip to the mall. Max had promised him a one on one bonding time but instead he got dragged to the mall with the whole family. Max had quickly forgotten about his promise to Jay, focusing on the youngest and making sure Nathan doesn't slip in his little headspace in public, all while trying to keep the boy comfortable and happy. Unfortunately, it was also making Jay very jealous with all what's happening around him. This was the main reason why when Max and Tom to keep an eye over Nathan while they did some shopping, both boys didn't really do so. And when Max and Tom returned, Jay and Siva had lost Nathan.

Thankfully though, Nathan wasn't too far. It wasn't long until Max found Nathan standing a little far away in tears. It irked Jay when both Tom and Max ran to Nathan. Both Jay and Siva rolled their eyes as they joined them. Jay winced slightly when he heard Nathan cry and call Tom 'Daddy.' And this time as soon as Max and Tom left Nathan with him to go wrap up their shopping quickly, Jay didn't waste time in letting his frustrations known to Nathan. "You're such a cry baby. I bet nobody wants you anymore but what can we do after all? We have to put up with you. All you do is cry and take up all the attention. You should just fuck off Nath. Leave us to stay in peace." Jay shouted at Nathan. And Siva could only watch in shock as Nathan chocked on a sob running off.

When Tom and Max returned, they noticed the tensed atmosphere. "What happened here?" Tom asked, "And where is Nathan?" "He got lost again" Jay lied. "No, Jay's lying. He shouted at Nathan and made him run away" Siva confessed. "Seev" Jay shouted. "Hey no shouting" Max warned Jay before turning to Siva, "tell me the truth, kiddo." Siva told them everything and Tom could only shake his head. "Go look for Nath with Seev. I'll take this one home. We need to discuss something" Max said, dragging Jay to the car as Nathan and Siva went to look for Nathan.

As soon as Max and Jay reached home, he was quick to pull Jay over his lap but was not expecting Jay to be fighting him. "Hey, settle down" Max warned Jay. "I hate Nathan" Jay yelled. "We're going to settle that right now" Max said as he pushed Jay's jeans and boxers down.


I don't care how much jealous you are


But you have no right to talk to your little brother like that


I'm so disappointed in you kiddo'


Nathan ran away because of you


"It's always because of Nathan. I hate him. It was supposed to be our day but no, he gets to steal the show again." Jay sobbed out. "Oh kiddo" Max sighed, before bringing Jay to cuddle in his lap. "I hare Nathan" Jay cried. "Buddy, trust me you don't hate him. You're just a bit jealous right now but that doesn't give you a right to be mean to your little brother. He's regressing slightly as our schedule has been tough on him. I expect you to understand him and slightly cooperate. You're the big brother. You can't be mean to your little one." Max tried to explain. "I'm sorry but..." Jay trailed off. "I just hope Tom and Siva found Nathan. And I want no more of this jealousy issues. Big brothers can't be mean to little ones." Max said. Jay gave a little nod.

Thankfully, Tom and Siva managed to find Nathan. The boy had been hiding in an alley not far from the mall. As soon as Nathan saw Tom, he ran up to the man, clinging to him as he sobbed his little heart out. "Daddy, Bird said meanie things" Nathan sobbed. Tom could only sigh in relief as he wrapped his arms around the boy. "I know buddy. Let's go home now" Tom said, scooping the boy in his arms. "No! Daddy no loves me." Nathan refused to let Tom carry him home. "Who said that?" Tom asked. "Bird say that" Nathan replied. "Bird is wrong" Tom said as he carried the boy home.

When they reached home, Jay had been slightly dozing on the couch next to Max. "Thank God, you found him" Max exclaimed, "What's with the tears, though?" "Daddies no love me" Nathan sobbed. "Daddies love you, Nathan. I was wrong to say otherwise" Jay said when he woke up to hear Nathan cry. "Really?" Nathan asked, hopefully. "Really, we all love you" Jay promised. "Actually, Daddies love all three of you" Tom said, earning a big smile from Nathan as well as two identical chuckles from Jay and Siva.

They really loved all three equally, no matter what. "We love you all" Max confirmed.


Dedicated to LarryLashtonNom!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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