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Prompt - How about one where the boys all go to the store and Nath wants something (a candy, a game, a phone case, etc you choose) and the boys tell him no and give him a look and a small smack to warn him not to throw a tantrum, so he listens but when the boys back is to him Nath takes his chance and takes the thing he wanted and hides it in his hoodie. When the boys get home Nath is in his room and takes out the thing he took form the store, just as Jay walks into his room and he asks Nath where he got it from Nath lies telling him he already had it but jay remembers it from the store and gets Nath to tell him the truth, and Nath convinces jay not to tell tom or max cuz max told him he would give Nath the switch if he ever did something like that. So jay tells him he won't tell but he is going to be the one to spank him, at first Nath argues but then agrees. After (or during) the spanking Siva hears and comes in and asks what Nath did but he sees what Nath took and also promises not to tell since he was being punished, he just gives Nath a few smacks. Tom and max find out cuz a security told them that they saw video of Nath taking it. Angry they go to Nath planning on spanking him but Siva stand I front of Nath protecting him while jay carries Nath trying to calm him down cuz he thinks tom and max hate him. 


Stealing is wrong. It’s specially a big NO-NO in The Wanted House unless and until someone willingly wants to be walking around with an extremely sore behind. Nathan knew that. Really! But let’s say he just got tempted when he saw the new game on market at the mall. And it turned his head that much that Nathan just had to steal it. But now that he got to know what the consequences is, Nathan really would think twice before doing such a thing.

It happened when Max and Tom decided to go shopping and Jay, Siva and Nathan also trudged along. They were still shopping when Nathan spotted the latest game on market at the mall. “Tom… Tom… Can we buy this, please?” Nathan asked, turning puppy eyes to Tom. “Nath! no baby! We’re here to buy important things. You already have so many games at home. Some other day, alright?” Tom said. Nathan pouted as he turned to Max, “Max, please!” Nathan asked. “You heard Tom, right? No means no” Max said sternly.

Nathan pouted, crossing his arms at both Tom and Max. “Nath, don’t be like that” Siva said as he attempted to hug the boy but Nathan just pulled away. “Seev, Jay, leave him be.” Tom said as Max went forward and gave Nathan one good smack on his backside. “Ow…” Nathan whimpered rubbing his backside. “Don’t start with your tantrums, alright?” Max said. Nathan gave a quick nod as he looked around to see if someone saw him getting that smack. He didn’t want another one so he just nodded but that doesn’t mean he forgot about that game.

Nathan looked around and saw that Tom, Max, Siva and Jay had turned their back to him. He took his chance and grabbed the game, hiding it under his hoodie. He looked around again and saw that the boys hadn’t yet noticed him. He smirked as he joined the boys again. Tom smiled as he saw that Nathan had stopped pouting. He wrapped an arm round the boy pulling him to his side, happy that his boy was back to behaving again.

They all had been unaware that Nathan had indeed stolen the game. “Okay, Seev, you take Jay and Nathan back home. Me and Tom have a few things more to buy, we’ll meet you at home.” Max said. “Seev, take care of the two youngest and you two be good for Siva” Tom said. Siva nodded as he led Nathan and Jay to the cab. Tom and Siva got back to their shopping as the three youngest went back home.

As soon as Siva, Jay and Nathan reached home, Nathan ran to his room. He was eager to see his game again. “Whoa, where’s the fire, bud?” Jay chuckled, watching Nathan run to his room. Nathan ignored Jay as he climbed on his bed quickly removing his game and soon he was lost in the game. He didn’t even hear Jay coming to his room. “Nath, was that the game that Tom and Max told you not buy?” Jay asked. “Uhm… Jay, what are doing here?” Nathan asked, hiding the game behind his back.  “Nath, when did you buy the game?” Jay asked. Nathan looked down not answering Jay. “Did you even buy it? Oh god, did you steal it, Nath?” Jay asked.

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