Pain or Relief

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Prompt - Hey based on your chapter "run away" where it says:

Nathan felt four hard swats on his backside, one from each boy. “What was that for?” He asked confused. “You don’t run away next time. You come to talk to us. And never talk shit about yourself. We’ll get your mouth washed, alright?” Tom said

Can u do one sorta based on what Tom said where after this Nath has been getting a lot of hate on twitter and it gets to a point where he first cuts himself and he's bleeding and one of the boys walks in and finds him or when he first puts his finger in his mouth to lose weight and one of the boys finds him and he explains all the hate and Tom keeps his promise after hearing Nath Repeat and believe everything the haters said. So he gets a mouth wash and corner time and a light spanking (like over the jeans or boxers) cuz the boys tell him that self harming is wrong and if he wants to punish himself or feel pain then the boys will spank him causing Nath to stop thinking bad and go back to thinking positively


Being a celebrity comes with a price. A price that Nathan also had to pay! He did have millions of fans but he also had haters. They were those who passed rude comments on him, told him he wasn’t good enough for the band. Nathan used to feel bad about those comments and remarks but now what’s worse is that he believes them. And this is what led him to self harm, something which Nathan himself was against at first.

Often Nathan would read one of those hate filled messages and tell himself in the back of his mind that it’s the truth. He would retreat back to his room quietly. And using one of Tom’s razors, he’d make a cut or two, sometimes more. And that would take his mind off those hate and haters, at least for a while. Nathan knew it was bad to self harm but he firmly believed that he deserves some kind of punishment. For him, the cuts were the best punishment. He needed to feel pain. Cutting gave him both pain and relief.

Since a few days, the boys saw changes in Nathan. He wore hoodies, long sleeves shirt. Whenever the boys hugged him, he’ll flinch or whimper. And then they saw the hate, the youngest was subjected to. Max tried talking to Nathan but Nathan behaved as if he didn’t believe the comments and he wasn’t affected by them. But the boys knew better. They let Nathan think that they believed him. But they kept a close watch on Nathan. And one day, they came to know the secret behind the hoodies and the long sleeves.

Tom was on twitter one early morning. Snapping a photo of him, he posted it on instagram asking his fans if a shave would be appreciated. He chuckled at how most of them told him YES! He saw one particular tweet which told Tom that he was much better than Nathan and that he should get Nathan out of the band. He sighed hoping Nathan hadn’t seen that tweet and all the comments on that tweet, those agreeing with the tweet. He hopped to the bathroom looking for his razor and when he couldn’t find it he felt something was wrong. He decided to go ask the boys for a razor.

Nathan’s room was right next to Tom, so he decided to check on the youngest before going to ask, maybe, Max for a razor. He pushed the door open but Nathan was nowhere in sight. He thought maybe the lad was downstairs and was going to close the door when he heard a whimper and a choked sob. He walked to the bathroom from where the noise was coming. He opened the bathroom door to see Nathan making a cut on his arm. “Baby Nath?” Tom asked shocked.

“T-Tom” Nathan stammered. “What the fuck is this?” Tom asked. “I-I c-can exp-explain!” Nathan tired. “Razor” Tom asked stretching his arm to Nathan. Nathan hesitantly gave it to Tom. “Out of here! And sit in your room!” Tom said. Nathan gave a short nod moving to sit on his bed. Tom grabbed a towel and some bandages and ointment. He walked back to the room and deposited everything on the bed before sticking his head out of the room and shouting for the boys, “Boys! Right now in Nathan’s room!” Nathan whimpered again.

The boys were quick to get in Nathan’s room fearing something was wrong with the youngest. While wrapping the bandages around Nathan’s arms after cleaning the cuts, Tom filled the others in. “You cut baby?” Jay asked. Nathan nodded. “Why? The hate?” Siva asked. Nathan nodded. “Nathan, they’re just a bunch of people who don’t believe in you! Nothing they say is true nor should it matter to you!” Max explained. “It’s true!” Nathan whispered.

“What?” Tom asked. “It’s true what they all say. I’m worthless! I am not important to the band. You all are better than me! I should die!” Nathan sobbed. “Didn’t I tell you before if you talk shit about yourself, I’ll get your mouth washed?” Tom said. “I am SHIT!” Nathan yelled. “That’s it!” Tom said scooping Nathan up putting Nathan in front of the sink and pushing a bar of soap in his mouth. Nathan gagged. “Never talk shit about yourself!” Tom said. Tom rubbed Nathan’s back all while the five minutes. After five minutes, he let Nathan rinse his mouth and let him return back to bed.

“Baby Nath, cutting is not the answer to the hate!” Siva said. Nathan didn’t say anything. “You should be punished for that!” Max said pulling Nathan sideways.


“Only ten because it was this hate that made you do these!” Max said hugging Nathan. “I need to feel the pain! Spank more! Please!” Nathan sobbed. “No, Nath!” Max said. “You want to feel pain Nath? Whenever you feel like cutting come to any of us and tell us why you want to cut! You’ll get five licks of the belt for even thinking of cutting! And we’ll talk you out of cutting. If you’re not convinced! You’ll get the belt until you don’t even feel like cutting!” Tom said. Nathan whimpered again but nodded. Though he lost all his privileges!

He no longer sleeps in his room! He has to share a room with Jay. Every day, one of the boys does a thorough check to see if there was any new cut! And if there were, Nathan received a good spanking from the belt. But since then he did get better!


Dedicated to my bestie, @Nazzayah

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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