An eventful Easter

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Prompt - can you do one where it's Easter morning and Nath is super excited because he still believes in the Easter bunny? And maybe like when Nath is like hunting for eggs he does something that the boys told him not to do (you can decide what it is lol) and they spank him but afterwards they spend the rest of Easter together playing games or watching a movie or something! Oh and can Kels and Nareesha be in the chapter as well?! Thank you so much!


Easter had always been one of Nathan's favorite holidays. He loved everything about Easter. From hunting for Easter eggs to the Easter bunny itself, Nathan loved Easter. But ever since he joined in The Wanted band, Nathan loved Easter more because the boys would always make it a special occasion for him. The boys never forget that Nathan is much younger than them and hence would love Easter. They always took care that their youngest never miss out on anything that he deserves to enjoy.

This Easter, Nathan knew things wouldn't be as usual. They were in their LA mansion and the boys had had to this time throw and Easter party. They were inviting a lot of their friends and there will be a lot of kids there too. It wasn't going to be a private thing and expecting Nathan to be on best behavior that day was going to be quite a challenge. It wouldn't be easy to ask an excited kid to behave on his favorite holiday that too just because they had an image to maintain. Usually, the boys wouldn't any kind of misbehavior from Nathan but on such occasions, Nathan was somewhat given a little freedom. One that he wouldn't be given at all, this time.

This news of guests coming on Easter didn't sit well with Nathan. He was very much close to throwing a tantrum but Siva was quick to reassure Nathan that nothing much would change except that Nathan just needed to be on best behavior that day. Nathan had pouted and brooded and it had even earned him an early bed time. But the morning of Easter, Nathan looked to have put all the grumblings past him as he jumped up Jay's bed, shouting that it is Easter. "Pipe down, kiddo. I know that it's Easter." Jay chuckled. Nonetheless, Jay let himself be pulled downstairs by Nathan to see the Easter arrangements.

"Do I have a little excited bunny, here?" Max chuckled as soon as he saw Nathan downstairs. "It's Easter" Nathan simply said, before snorting, "But I'm not a bunny, okay?" "Behave" Tom warned Nathan again. "I want to go there" Nathan whined. "Well you won't go if you keep whining like this" Max said. Nathan lips wobbled a bit and he forced tears to his eyes. "Hey, come on now. You can definitely go out but in a bit, huh? Let's first meet the guests and socialize a bit" Siva said as he pulled the boy in a hug and started walking him out. Max and Tom shared a look as they realized how hard this was going to be.

Nathan stuck by Siva's side the whole time as they met their guests and when Tom announced that the kids could go on Easter egg hunting, Nathan felt a pang of jealousy hit him. He stared at Tom until Jay whispered softly to him, "Don't you want to join them?" Nathan turned to Jay smiling as he nodded and within seconds, Nathan had ran along with his basket for the Easter hunt. But things weren't going to turn that good for Nathan. He'd been busy in his Easter egg hunt when suddenly a kid snatched his basket from him. "Hey, that's mine" Nathan shouted at the kid. "Mine" The kid insisted. But Nathan wasn't backing down on this, he snatched the basket from the kid, emphasizing again that it was his. And thus broke out a fight between the 9 year old and Nathan.

Usually, if Nathan got into an argument with anyone younger than him, he would let go of it but this time he wasn't in a good mood. He loved Easter and usually would spend it back home or with the boys privately but this Easter party and all these kids were kind of overwhelming him. When Nathan saw Tom approaching him, he thought victory. Tom would surely take his side. But instead Tom whispered, "You're in so much trouble." And it was then that Nathan noticed everybody were looking at him. He had indeed created such a ruckus.

While Max took over apologizing to their guests for the little scene, Tom dragged Nathan inside. "I saw what happened but getting into a fight with a 9 year old isn't really what I expected from you." Tom scolded Nathan. "But it was mine and he snatched it" Nathan whined. And Tom would have given a good chuckle if the situation wasn't this serious. "He is younger than you. You could have just explained it nicely to him or just give him yours. What happened to the Nathan who loves to help others?" Tom asked. "Mine" Nathan simply mumbled. He was on verge of tears now and he was so ready to even ditch this party. "The fight wasn't really necessary" Tom said as he flipped Nathan over his lap.


Fighting with a kid is not what I expected from you


You know better than that


I understand that things didn't turn as you wanted


But you know better than creating a scene like that


Tom ended the spanking as he pulled Nathan in a hug. Nathan's sobs muffled in his shirt, Tom was worried for a moment when he heard the door to the bedroom open but relaxed when he saw the boys. "Kid's parents scolded him" Max said. "I was the parent, I would have pulled him on my lap" Tom snorted. Nathan gave a little nod when he heard Tom talking about the kid. The boys chuckled as Tom patted Nathan's back, rocking the kid in his arms. "Here, it's for you" Siva said, handing Nathan the egg basket. "The kid's parents returned it" Jay explained. "And this is an Easter gift for you" Max said, handing Nathan a stuffed toy. As soon as Nathan saw the Easter Rabbit stuff toy that Max got him, Nathan cracked a little smile. "Now there's a smile that I see" Tom gently teased as he watched Nathan hold the rabbit close as he slowly fell asleep.

Well, Easter was quite eventful for them.


Dedicated to ashxlou!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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