Being little

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1) Prompt - can you do one where, Nathan is still acting like a little child, calling the others "daddy", and still sucking thumb, so the boys have to tell him to stop and leave the room so Nathan can calm down after his tantrum which results in a spanking, but Nathan takes it the wrong way and thinks the boys have left him, so he cries and goes and hides, the boys come back and have to go find him and promise to never leave him again? Thanks x

2) Prompt - It's cute maybe Nath clings on to one if the boys more and jay feels this sort of big protective brother side and feels guilty that his baby brother is crying. When Nath was younger he used to have a pacifier until his parents told him he was too old to have one and so he turned to thumb sucking as a way of comfort now when he regressed he went back to that sort of mind state


Ever since Nathan’s little regression episode, the boys have been really worried about Nathan. There were days when Nathan would act like big boy but most of the days he would regressed back to being little. And when he was in his little headspace, he would be very clingy to the boys and the ‘Daddy’ word will make its apparition again. Not that they minded it but at home it was something else and in public, it would be a big problem.

Lately, it was a common thing to see Nathan curled up in Siva’s lap with his thumb in his mouth while Siva was rubbing his back. If he wasn’t in Siva’s lap, he would be clinging to Jay watching a movie and the thumb would still be in his mouth. If not then he would be in tears in either Tom or Max’s arms after a sound spanking for a tantrum, the thumb still comforting him. He accepted very little comfort from Kelsey and Nareesha; instead he would just want the boys or ‘his daddies’ to be with him.

At first the boys were only worried for what will happen when they would be in public but slowly they started being worried about when they were at home also. Tom and Siva had even asked Kelsey and Nareesha not to come home as they couldn’t give the girls attention only and Nathan wanted and needed their complete attention right now. But Max had enough now! It was time to get Nathan to come out of his regression otherwise Nathan’s life and theirs also would be too messed up.

The plan was simple. Slowly they started doing little things that would divert Nathan’s mind from his headspace. The first thing they did was remove Nathan’s thumb from his mouth every time they saw him sucking on his thumb. Nathan at first would whine and try to put his thumb back into his mouth but then he would receive a stern look from the boys and he would sadly put his hands in his pockets. Whenever he would cling to one of the boys, someone would just come and give him something to do that would divert his mind. And when he would call them ‘Daddy’ they just shake their head and start another conversation. If Nathan would cry, they would just manage to calm him down and be ‘over’ loving for a while and then they get back to their little plan.

Finally, Nathan had enough of it. He was sitting on the couch with his thumb in his mouth when he felt Max removing the thumb from his mouth. “No Daddy” Nathan whined trying to get his thumb back in his mouth. Max removed it again and tried distracting Nathan. “Movie, Nath?” Max asked. “No, I don’t want to watch any movies!” Nathan yelled. “Nath, behave!” Tom shouted from the kitchen as he and Jay and Siva made their way to the couch. “Come on baby, don’t be like that! We’ll just watch a movie or something, alright?” Jay said.

But Nathan had enough of it. “Fuck you Jay!” Nathan shouted shoving Jay only for Siva to catch Jay from falling. “I don’t want to watch any movies. I know you find me weird! But fuck you all! I don’t care!” Nathan shouted before running to his room. “He asked for it” Max said running behind Nathan! He opened the door to find Nathan crying on his bed. “I call what you did downstairs a tantrum and that was very rude of you to shove Jay and to curse also.” Max said sitting down next to Nathan. “Daddy?” Nathan asked. “I’m sorry Nath” Max said before pulling Nathan on his lap and pushing down his jeans and boxers!

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