Getting carried away

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Prompt - Maybe you can do one where Tom's younger sister comes round and Nath flirts with her. Tom punishes Nath and makes his younger sister watch. (With Siva having to hold her back) By the end Nath and his sister is both in tears and Tom comforts them both.


If there was one person that Tom was overly protective of, besides Nathan, was his little sister, Tessa. Tessa was the youngest of the Parker family. She was only 15 compared to his brother Tom who had a good ten years older than her. Tom was very protective of Tessa when they used to stay altogether but even now, that hadn't changed even for a bit. Perhaps, Tessa is the reason why Tom understood Nathan. He always cared for his little sister so it was not much different to do so with Nathan.

Tessa was supposedly coming to stay with Tom for a day. At first, Tom was very against the idea but Tom's parents had insisted on the fact that Tessa really missed Tom and it was just for a day so things couldn't go bad, right? But what Tom was really worried about was that he was bringing his fifteen year old sister in a house of all males. He wasn't worried about Siva or Max but Jay and Nathan were still young. He really didn't want any of them having any feelings for Tessa or Tessa falling for one of the boys. You see why Tom is called the overprotective big brother? He was already stressing about things that may not even happen.

Tom had called the boys down and was currently sitting on the couch waiting for them. "What's the matter, Tom? Why did you call us down immediately?" Max asked as he sat next to Tom. "Boys, my sister wants to come over for just a day and I was wondering if it will be okay with you guys?" Tom asked. "Of course man" Siva agreed. "I didn't know you have a sister" Jay said. "Well, I have one and she is only fifteen. And I'm making it clear, no flirting with her. Tessa is too young for you boys. Jay, Nathan, I'm warning you both" Tom warned. "Wow, chill man. Nobody will touch her" Nathan mumbled under his breath. Tom glared at Nathan but didn't say anything.

Tessa was supposed to arrive the next day itself and early morning, Tom had gone to pick the girl up. "Tom" Tessa shouted, running to her big brother as soon she spotted the boy. "Oh my, you've grown up" Tom chuckled sweeping the girl off her feet. "I'm so excited to meet the boys" Tessa said as she followed her big brother to the car. Tom raised an eyebrow at that making Tessa blush. Tom already knew that Tessa was probably one of the biggest The Wanted fan out there.

When he returned home, the boys were already up waiting for Tessa. He introduced his baby sister to the boys and didn't miss how Nathan and Tessa stared at each other. Almost every teenage fan of the band had a small crush on Nathan and it was not oblivious to him that Tessa also liked Nathan a lot. But he trusted Nathan to not take advantage of that. Tom cleared his throat making the two of them break the stare as Tom looked pointedly at Nathan.

At lunch, Tom observed the two of them quite closely. Like almost every fangirl he met, Tom saw that Tessa also was behaving as such with Nathan. If Tessa quickly bonded with the other boys as if they were actually her big brothers then with Nathan it was as if a little crush forming. Tessa kept being starry eyes at Nathan and Nathan also seemed to be doing nothing to put a halt to that. And Tom found himself cringing at what was going to happen if this continues.

Both Nathan and Tessa were young so it was no surprise that when they were left alone watching a movie on the couch, they took it as an opportunity to flirt with each other. "So, you like me?" Nathan asked. "I'm your biggest fan" Tessa replied as she scooted closer to Nathan. "Really" Nathan asked. He was loving the conversation. Nathan, who never had a proper girlfriend before, was somewhat getting attracted to Tessa. He was liking the sweet conversation, the pretty girl. And before they both knew it, Nathan had his lips on Tessa's, softly kissing the girl and breaking apart when they heard a gasp.

"You are in so much trouble" Tom threatened. Walking to Nathan, he pulled the boy up and sat down, pulling the boy back again on his lap. "I told you she is too young for you to flirt and what did you do, you kissed her?" Tom asked as he raised his hand to smack the backside in front of him. But Tessa stopped him. "I kissed him" Tessa protested, "He didn't do anything." "Baby, I was watching both of you from the kitchen and I know exactly what happened." Tom said. "Don't spank him, please" Tessa pleaded. "Be thankful, I'm not spanking you also. Since you're young and it is practically Nathan's fault as he knows I've said it before 'no flirting.'"

Tom pulled Nathan's sweatpants and boxers down before starting the spanking.

SWAT SWAT Haven't I said something about not flirting with my baby sister? SWAT SWAT She is too young for you Nathan. SWAT SWAT She was behaving like a fangirl SWAT SWAT and you shouldn't have taken advantage of that. SWAT SWAT

Tom was only halfway with the spanking when Tessa again stopped him. "Please, don't" the girl said, already in tears. "Seev, hold here back, please" Tom said and watched how Siva pulled the little girl in a hug not letting her stop Tom again, before Tom continued with the spanking.

SWAT SWAT I know it's just your young age SWAT SWAT and you just got carried away SWAT SWAT but you know better than this, right, Nathan? SWAT SWAT So such a mistake should never be repeated ever again. SWAT SWAT

Tom ended the spanking as he brought the sobbing boy in a cuddle. "It wasn't much Nathan, don't cry. Understand that you just got carried away but still you know better than this, okay. Stop crying, baby" Tom soothed the boy as he rubbed his back. Looking up, Tom found Tessa also in tears. "Come here, baby" Tom said opening his arms for a cuddle. Tessa let herself be pulled in the cuddle. Max softly pulled Nathan's clothes up, chuckling when the boy hissed. "What? Tessa also wants a hug and you're not going to hug her naked, right? Well, if you don't want another spanking" Max chuckled, making Nathan and Tessa blush and Tom glare at him. Tessa hugged Nathan. "I'm sorry that you got spanked because of me." Tessa said. "No, it's my fault. I'm really sorry Tessa. I like you a lot but let's keep it to that. You're young and we shouldn't do anything that we will regret later." Nathan said. "Now, that's my boy" Siva ruffled Nathan's hair. "What say we watch a movie?" Jay asked, breaking the tensed atmosphere.

They ended up on the couch. Jay and Siva were fast asleep before even halfway. Max stayed up for a while before conking off on the couch. Tessa was also asleep clinging to Tom as Nathan still stayed in Tom's lap, still awake. "Why are you not asleep?" Tom asked Nathan. "You still like me, right?" Nathan asked. "Of course baby, where does this come from?" Tom asked. "I mean I got carried away with your baby sister" Nathan said. Tom cuddled the boy as he replied, "you're my baby brother, Nath. No matter what you do, I'll always love you." Reassured, Nathan let himself fall asleep in his big brother's arms, silently promising to himself that he wasn't getting carried away anytime soon.


Dedicated to Just_Rajkiran!

Sorry it took so long.

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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