Ignorance and Tantrums

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Prompt - Hey could u maybe do one where max, Tom and Siva spend more time with Kelsey nareesha and Nina and jay with some old friends that one day when the girls are over at their place he's really rude to them and mean until he finally gets sick of the fact that the boys are always with the girls or friends and they don't care about him, the boys comfort him but spank him cuz of his behavior.


Finally The Wanted Boys had a day to themselves. Previously, they had been so busy recording for their albums. Today, they had a lazy day, lying around.

Tom was sitting on the couch with Kelsey in his arms. He had missed his girlfriend. Siva was on the love seat with Nareesha cuddling her making up for the moments lost. Max was eating breakfast in the kitchen while Jay was keeping him company. Nathan was up in his room being the lazy git he is.

After some time, Nathan trudged down the stairs and sat next to Tom who was busy making out with Kelsey. Tom didn’t even look up to Nathan. Nathan felt bad. Usually, he would get at least a good morning or his hair ruffled.

He moved towards Siva who was cuddling Nareesha. Siva also did not notice Nathan, too caught up with Nareesha. He felt really bad. Siva used to give him his morning cuddle.

He got up walking to the kitchen and sat next to Max. “Was sup Nath?” Max asked him. “Nothing,” Nathan replied him not bothering to look at the boys. Jay shrugged sharing a look with Max and thinking it was one of Nathan’s moody days.

By the afternoon, Nathan was done with Tom and Siva who did not even acknowledge him at lunch. Each was busy with their girlfriends. Max saw how Nathan looked liked a kicked puppy, every time he looked up to Siva and Tom. Max knew the boys owe it to their girlfriends and did not judge them. But he knew if this continued they would face an outburst from the youngest one.

And the outburst did come. It was evening. Tom, Siva, Max and Jay were in the kitchen preparing dinner while Kelsey and Nareesha were gossiping on the couch. Nathan came down the stairs and Nareesha called him to sit with them. Nathan tuned out their conversation. But as Nareesha and Kelsey kept bugging him with the plans they made with their boyfriends, Nathan felt a rush of anger and exploded, “Shut up. I don’t want to know. I don’t care where you go with whom you go. Just leave me alone. Go, do whatever you want bitches.”

Hearing the angry yell of Nathan, the boys gathered in the living room. After having spent all his anger on the girls, Nathan realized what he had done. Shit what have I done? Now they’ll all hate me. Tom and Siva would be so angry. No one will love me. Thinking such, tears filled up his eyes. Looking at Tom and Siva’s angry faces, he ran up the stairs before anyone could talk to him.

Max knew this was going to happen. As Nathan darted upstairs, Max took off after him. Siva and Tom looked at each other and then back at Jay. “Explain,” Tom asked Jay. Jay took a breath, “he was pretty upset since morning. I think he felt like you guys were ignoring him.” Nareesha and Kelsey gasped before Nareesha told Siva, “Go Seev, he needs you. Go guys, the baby needs you.”

Tom and Siva took off the stairs where Nathan was in Max’s arms bawling his eyes out. “I didn’t mean to say that. I swear Max. Please don’t hate me. Seev and Tom hate me,” Nathan sobbed out. Max just shushed him rocking him.

“We don’t hate you but that was not a way to behave” Tom said walking in the room. “I know. I’m ready for any punishment.” Nathan said pushing himself off Max’s lap. “Alright, on my lap then.” Tom said sitting down and he was quite surprised to see Nathan walking to him without even pleading not to spank him. Tom adjusted Nathan on his lap.

SWAT SWAT That was SWAT SWAT NOT SWAT SWAT a way SWAT SWAT to behave SWAT SWAT You hurt SWAT SWAT the girls’ feelings SWAT SWAT


“It’s okay. It’s over. And we don’t hate you, baby. It’s okay we are not mad,” Tom assured Nathan as he finished the spanking. Siva approached Nathan and took him in his arms letting him sob in his chest while rocking him. Tom slowly rubbed comforting circles on Nathan’s back.

When Nathan had calmed down, Siva asked him, “Want to explain what that was baby? It is not how our Baby Nath behaves.” Nathan looked up at Siva and Tom, hiccupping out, “I’m so sorry. I thought you guys were ignoring me.” Tom and Siva smiled at him. Nareesha and Kelsey were standing at the door with Jay. Kelsey spoke up, “someone threw a tantrum just to be noticed, huh?” Nathan gave her a watery smile, “I’m sorry Kels, very sorry NuNu.” The girls just smiled at him.

Max laughed, “So what have we learnt?” Tom ruffled Nathan’s hair and said, “Our little baby is an attention seeker. And if you ignore him, he’ll throw a tantrum.” They all laughed at Tom’s statement. Siva rocked Nathan in his arms, “We are sorry baby. We were making up for the lost time with the girls. But next time if you feel like that do tell us, okay? And never doubt that we love you.” Nathan smiled at him while the others nodded.

Surrounded by all this affection and warmth, Nathan felt himself surrendering to sleep. He knew he was loved by the way Siva gently lowered him on the bed, Tom tucking him in the bed, Max ruffling his hair, Kelsey and Nareesha each giving him a goodnight kiss on his forehead while Jay spoke lightly, “you are a brat but then you are our baby brat.”


I’m sorry I changed it but it was a prompt I had in my mind since a few days and then you requested it. I couldn’t add Max and Jay’s part in it but I hope its still not that bad.

Thank you for reading.

Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt please.

Xx Hailey 

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