Punishment forgiven

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Prompt - Do one where the boys all were busy and Nathan was playing near the staircase. And accidentally moved too much and fell down the staircase, hitting every step and even fractured a few bones. He ends up in a sort of coma or something. The boys call him for dinner and there was no reply so they went to find him and saw Nathan unconscious on the bottom of the staircase, blood surrounding him. They rush him into the hospital and find out what’s wrong with him. Nathan doesn’t wake up for a few days and the boys were worried sick. They wouldn’t eat, sleep or do anything. Nathan eventually wakes up and the boys don’t give him a spanking because he is already hurt and instead find out what happened. You could split this prompt into two, the second one about Nathan's recovery and the boys’ baby him.


Whenever the boys get some free time, they loved to just be themselves and relax. This time, as the festive season was approaching, Tom and Max wanted the boys to clean their rooms and remove everything that they don’t need. Siva agreed to do so but it required a few swats to Jay and Nathan’s backside for them also to get going. Tom wanted to move everything they don’t needed in the store room.

Removing things from their rooms, Nathan found lots of toys. “Tom, see there is a toy car. There is also a little helicopter. See, there is a fireman truck and lots of action figures.” Nathan jumped around Tom on the stairs. “Nath, don’t jump on the stairs. Nath, we’ll both fall down.” Tom warned. “Tom, look at these toys” Nathan said, and as he wasn’t looking where he was walking, he stumbled forward and luckily Max was there to hold him. “Damn, Nath, you would have fallen down” Max shouted and turned Nathan sideways.


You never jump, run or play on the stairs


Get it


Max spanked Nathan for a while before giving in and hugging the boys. “I’m sorry” Nathan sniffled, as he attached himself to Max. “It’s okay. You’re forgiven. Now, don’t ever play on the stairs” Max said. “Get it Nath? Take your toys, baby and go play upstairs, please? Not on the stairs” Tom said before he and Max went to the store room. Nathan stood on the stairs rubbing his backside for a while before he went to sit on the top of the stairs, sorting out all of the toys.

Nathan thought that he will sort out the toys but soon he got so lost in playing with the toys that he didn’t realize that he was sitting a little too close to the edge of the stairs. Nathan got so excited with the playing with his toy cars and action figures that he accidentally moved a little too much and fell down the stairs. Unfortunately for him, he hit every of the steps of the stair case as he rolled down the stairs. Reaching the bottom stair, Nathan was barely aware of the acute pain in his ribs, his bleeding head and his legs as he lost consciousness.

Unaware of what had happened to Nathan, Tom, Max, Siva and Jay were in the store room stocking their unneeded things. “I’m hungry” Jay said. “Yeah, it’s almost dinner time. I called for pizza. It must be coming soon” Max said. “Oh I’ll go see if it arrived” Siva said and went out to see if the pizza arrived when he saw Nathan lying in a pool of his own blood. “OH MY GOD, Nathan! Boys, Nath fell down. Get here quickly.” Siva shouted, as he approached Nathan, trying to wake the boy up. “Oh God, Nath” Tom gasped as he saw Nathan on the floor. “Let’s get him to the hospital” Max said, scooping Nathan up and rushing to the car.

An hour later, they were waiting in the hospital while Nathan was in the examination room. The boys were worried sick about Nathan and it didn’t help when the doctors said that as Nathan lost a lot of blood, he will be in coma. The boys refused to even consider the possibility that Nathan might not wake up. Four days, Nathan stayed in coma and with him, the boys had stopped eating, stopped going out of Nathan’s room. They just stopped smiling ever since Nathan was in hospital. Nano, Kevin and Scooter had been in a somewhat similar state.

The boys were still sitting by Nathan’s side when the boy finally came to his senses. “Nath, you up, baby?” Max asked. “Max” Nathan croaked up. “Oh baby, I’m so happy that you’re awake” Max said as he gave Nathan a hug and the others also leapt in to give Nathan a hug. “What happened to me?” Nathan asked. “You fell down the stairs, baby. Cracked a few of your ribs, sprained your ankle and you also have a big cut on your forehead.” Jay said. “What had we said, Nath? No playing on the stairs” Tom reminded Nathan. He hadn’t expected Nathan to look up at him with tears in his eyes. “Will you punish me?” Nathan asked. “For this time you’re forgiven because I think you’ve learnt your lesson now. No playing on the stairs” Tom said.

Three days later, Nathan was released from the hospital. The boys never let him out of his sight and while he recovered, he stayed attached to the boys, very clingy. Not that the boys minded! In fact, they were happy to let him stay curled up next to them or just to carry him around. They were just happy that their boy was alright now. “Nath, don’t expect us to forget your punishment each time you get hurt. Next time, you disrespect us, you will get a spanking.” Max warned. Nathan whined and hid in Siva’s shirt, not even wanting to hear about punishment. The boys chuckle at Nathan. It was his typical reaction whenever someone talked about spanking him.


Happy New Year my dear people :)

Dedicated to @AbegailPandaan!

Sorry, I shortened it in one chapter instead of two as you requested!

Thank you to those reading!

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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