Different methods of discipline

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Prompt - One where the boys realize that each one has a different approaches when it comes to punishing Nathan so they decide that each one will take Nath with them for a week and if he misbehaves that boy looking after him will have to discipline him, they will keep track of how many times Nathan was disciplined while he was staying with each lad. So at the end of the four weeks the boys come together and discuss whose method was the best to apply punishments on Nathan. Nath keeps blocking with his hand while he is getting spanked the boys threaten to add more but it does not affect he keeps reaching back so the boys have to come up with a different kind of punishment for him I order for him to stop reaching back.


Since a few days the boys had been very worried about who will take Nathan with them during the festive season. The problem wasn't that no one wanted to take Nathan with them but instead problem was that each one of the boys wanted to take Nathan with them. Each one of them were sure they could handle Nathan and even discipline the boy if need be so that's exactly how the boys came up with the solution that each one of them takes Nathan for a week and look after the boy. After the four weeks, they would meet up to see which method of discipline applied the best to Nathan.

The first one who took Nathan home with him for a week was Siva. Nathan was an angel to Siva. At least that's what Siva thought through the first few days. But Nathan being Nathan he couldn't help but get in trouble. It started by being rude to Siva or being rude to Nareesha but Siva dealt with it by using different means. He would either make sure Nathan took a nap or he would send Nathan to face the corner and have little quiet time. "You're mean. I hate you." Nathan shouted from his spot in the corner. "Corner time means quiet time, Nath. No talking baby. I want you to think about why you're in the corner" Siva said. Half an hour later, Siva led Nathan out of the corner time. Nathan had been quiet as Siva pulled him in a hug. "I hate corner time. Don't like being quiet. Don't like having to think about why I was bad" Nathan mumbled as he hid his face in Siva's shirt. "If you don't act out, you won't have to serve long quiet time." Siva said, smiling as Nathan nodded to him.

Fortunately Nathan behaved for Siva until Jay took Nathan for the next week. Nathan and Jay were close buddies and Nathan never once misbehaved for Jay until one day he got tired and cranky and acted out by fighting Jay over not having to even taste one drink in Jay's party. Angry when Jay told him that he was too young to be drinking, Nathan flung a glass to the wall. Nathan visibly paled when he watched the glass shatter. He waited for Jay to pull him over his lap but the boy didn't. Instead, Jay guilt tripped him. "I'm so disappointed in you. I'm going to cancel my parties since you feel bad for not being able to drink. But that's okay. Let's both have a boring week now. I'm going to have to upset my friends and all." Jay said. He left Nathan alone for a while and about an hour later, Nathan went to Jay's room, sniffling as he apologized for being bad and pleaded with Jay not to cancel the party all while promising to not touch a single drink. Jay smiled as he pulled Nathan in a hug, happy to have gotten this incident behind them.

Next it was Max who took Nathan with him back to his hometown at his mum's place. At first Nathan was all good behavior. Max had warned him beforehand that he will not hesitate to pull him over his lap even in front of his family, so Nathan behaved for a while. But then Nathan found himself feeling a little uncomfortable whenever he watched Max with his family. He felt like he was being a burden over Max. And that soon led to Nathan misbehaving. That's exactly how Nathan found himself over Max's laps after having been rude to Max's mother.

Actually what happened was that Max had been helping his mother with the shopping bags as Nathan walked past him flopping down on the couch! He was tired. He was in a grouchy mood. "Nathan, can you please help me with this one bag. It's a bit heavy for me" Max's mother asked. "None of you can watch me sit for a while, what?" Nathan shouted. "I'm sorry but this is not a way to talk to a lady, Nathan." Max's mother warned. "I don't care" Nathan shouted back. But what Nathan wasn't prepared for was for Max to turn him over his lap and start spanking him right in front of Max's mother and brother.


I believe this is not what we taught you.


You don't be rude like that.


You certainly don't behave like that.


You understand Nathan?


Ending the spanking Max pulled Nathan in a hug and let him cuddle him.

The last week, Tom had been the one who took Nathan with him. Unlike the others Tom had a full week with Nathan who was cranky, tired, upset and very grumpy. Nathan was tired and he just wanted to go home now. He misbehaved throughout the week leading Tom to pull him over his lap several times. Once, Nathan had been that much grumpy that he had even pushed Kelsey and that led to Tom pulling him over his lap in front of Kelsey itself.


You know better than pushing people Nathan


Tom was about to continue spanking the boy when Nathan started reaching back. Tom moved his hand back as he continued spanking the boy.


Hands away or I'll have to start again


But Nathan reached back again. "I said hands away" Tom shouted but once again, Nathan's hand reached back again. Tom shook his head at Nathan. Nathan thought he had found a way to stop the spanking but then he felt someone hold his hand while Tom continued spanking. Looking up Nathan found that Kelsey was holding his hand. "Sorry baby but you need this spanking" Kelsey said.


I hope you'll never do such a thing again, Nathan.


Ending the spanking, Tom cuddled Nathan in his arms as he tried to get Nathan to stop crying. Kelsey rubbed Nathan's back as she expected the boy to be mad at him but instead Nathan turned to her for a hug as he apologized to her also.

By the end of these four weeks, the boys returned back to their shared apartment as the all recounted stories of how they spent their week with Nathan. They all said that their method of dealing with Nathan was the best and but by the end they concluded that each one of them had different method to help discipline Nathan and none of them was better than each other's method but they all wanted to do one thing, help discipline Nathan. While according to Nathan, none of the methods were good as he was the one who had to suffer through it but he had to admit that the boys really cared about him.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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