Learn your limits

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Prompt - hey can you do one where the band first started (but a while after the lads first started spanking Nath). Nathan has been having an attitude all day and finally he snaps and swears/is completely rude and disrespectful to Jayne (their manager) the boys are left stock because of what Nath said he was very much crossing a line, so one of the boys goes up to Nath and instead of spanking him he gives Nath a hard smack on the mouth casing Nath to cry. He then continues to tell him off (yelling) and that when Jayne steps in telling the boys that Nath was still a child compared to them, she comforts Nath but still lectures him on his behavior. Then either the boys or Jayne end up spanking him believing that he should not get off the hook so easily.


Being in a boyband wasn't always easy. Tom and Max being the oldest knew that they would have to be the firm disciplinary figures. But it wasn't always easy. Sometimes you don't know your limits when you're in charge of your bandmates. It's not like they're your siblings who you can always punish however you want or turn to mom and let them guide you through the punishment. Unfortunately, here, Max and Tom were always worried about making a mistake. And finally, one day, they did make a mistake.

For the past few days, Nathan had been a complete pest with the boys. He'd been misbehaving with everyone. Nothing the boys did could get the boy past his bad attitude. Tom had already pulled the boy over his lap for a spanking but Nathan still didn't learn anything from his punishment. The boys were slowly losing their patience with the boy. But the final straw came when Nathan misbehaved with their manager, Jayne. That was the last thing Nathan needed to add to his punishment but his punishment this time was quite different and unexpected.

They had been at their apartment working over a new song when Nathan suddenly snapped at Jayne. He cursed at her a few times but he definitely crossed his lines when he told her, "You're not even good to be our manager. You should probably just resign and fuck off." That had been more than enough as suddenly Nathan saw Max getting up and walk to him. He expected the man to flip him over his lap and start spanking him but instead Max had given a hard smack right on the mouth across the face. The look of shock on Nathan's face were the same as to the others and within seconds Nathan had burst in tears.

But Max wasn't done yet. Nathan's tears weren't cooling down his anger as he kept on scolding the boy. "I don't want to hear such a thing coming from your mouth again." Max continued lecturing the boy when Jayne finally came in between. "Max, stop it." Jayne shouted at Max as she sat beside Nathan pulling the boy in a hug and letting Nathan cry himself out. "Max, you cannot slap him like that. You can spank him but not hit him on the mouth like this" Jayne scolded Max. "Did you hear how he was cursing you?" Max asked. "You could get him to wash his mouth then give him a time out and then the spanking. He'll learn. You just have to be strict and firm with him." Jayne said, "he's still young, boys. You have to keep that in mind." Max did feel guilty at that and when Nathan sniffled again, Max was definitely apologizing to the boy.

"I'm so sorry baby. I won't hit you like that again" Max said as he pulled Nathan in his arms to cuddle him. "But what he did was wrong too" Siva said. "He should be punished" Tom said. To set an example for the boys, Jayne was the one who pulled Nathan over her lap. "Hey, don't" Nathan squeaked but Jayne didn't give him any attention as she turned to Jay. "Bring me the wooden spoon from the kitchen." Jayne said. Jay winced but did as Jayne said and soon Jayne started the spanking.


Nath, you need to keep a control on your behavior.


You cannot misbehave like this.


And cursing like this doesn't suit you, baby.


I hope you understand what you did wrong


And that you won't do it again.


Jayne ended the spanking as she cuddled Nathan. Dropping a kiss to Nathan's head, she let the boy go willingly in Jay's arms. "Boys, you can spank him and punish him however you deem suitable but no over doing or directly hitting him." Jayne explained to the boys. "Got my word" Tom promised. Looking over at Max, Jayne sighed as she turned the boy sideways.


Do not hit my boy or anyone like this again.


Ending the short spanking, Jayne pulled Max in a hug and let Nathan also worm his way through the hug. Sometimes, her boys needed to learn their limits.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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