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Prompt - Can you please make a chapter where Nath yells at Max in the middle of a concert that they were performing with one direction and Max takes Nath aside and spanks him Nath comes back on stage and has a full out tantrum at Liam because he thinks that Zayn told Max something that was not true and the bands have no option but to cut the concert short when the bands are off stage where Max tells Liam that they are going to go home and Nath is gonna get one massive spanking with Nath trying to talk Max out of a spanking the whole car ride home


It was going to be another charity show which will have both The Wanted and One Direction performing altogether. They had less time to practice and while they were trying their best to get wrap up every rehearsal quickly, both bands' youngest band members were getting cranky. Be it Nathan or Harry or Niall, they all started getting cranky because of which their older bandmates had to improvise for naps to get the boys sorted out.

Even today riding in the minivan, both bands were on their way to the place for their show and meanwhile sitting at the back, Nathan, Harry and Niall were all huddled together fast asleep. "I'm already tired" Jay said. "At least these ones will be less cranky" Liam said as he looked at the three boys in the back. "Yeah" Siva agreed. "How I wish they could be like this all the time" Louis said. "Angels, right? But that's only when they are asleep" Tom chuckled. "Otherwise they are monsters" Zayn chuckled. "True" Max agreed.

Unfortunately for the three youngest ones, their naps were cut short. Since the concert was about to start, the boys had to wake Harry, Nathan and Niall up and after one quick rehearsals they were soon led on the stage. Fortunately, the boys were able to keep their exhaustion and crankiness and perform lively on stage. But that was just for a while until Nathan was no longer able to keep his crankiness at bay and snapped at Max.

Max had been joking with the crowd when suddenly Nathan snapped at him. "Oh really Max? Aren't you just being a grandpa?" Nathan asked. Max shook his head at Nathan as he whispered to Nathan, "You don't want to get spanked, right? So, I suggest you pay attention to what you're saying." "Fuck you" Nathan whispered to Max but he didn't expect the boy to just pull him backstage. Turning Nathan sideways, Max started spanking the boy!


Get your attitude in control


No more crankiness


No more swearing




Max ended the spanking as he pulled Nathan in a hug. Nathan was sniffling slightly when Max let go of him. "Are you crying?" Max asked as he lifted Nathan's face up. "Those were just twenty five smacks and they were not even that hard" Max chuckled. Nathan pouted, more tears rolling down his cheeks. "Okay! Okay! I have to go now. But you calm down and get back on stage" Max said and gave Nathan one more hug before letting go of the boy.

Max returned back on stage while Nathan went to washroom to wash his face when suddenly Nathan caught Zayn speaking to someone, "I know I've talked to Max about it. I'm a little surprised that he didn't spank Nathan. I hope he understood what I've told him." It's because of Zayn that I got spanked, Nathan thought. Angry at this, he walked back to the stage and dashed with Liam as he tried to go to speak with Zayn. "What's wrong Nathan?" Liam asked. "Fuck off Liam. I've got to talk to Zayn." Nathan snapped. "Watch your mouth" Liam scolded. "I don't care" Nathan shouted catching the attention of the boys. Siva and Jay tried their best to calm Nathan down but the boy was having a full blown out tantrum. Tom pulled Nathan backstage and even swatted him a few times but Nathan had instead burst in full sobs muttering how he hates Zayn for making Max spank him.

Max had been standing and hearing everything but when Nathan started cursing at Zayn, Max could no longer stand there silently. Grabbing Nathan's shoulder, he stood the boy in front of him, "You listen to me. But first, boys go cancel the show. We can't continue like this. Now you listen, Zayn didn't tell me anything about spanking you. I spanked you because you were giving me an attitude and cursed at me." Max said. Siva and Niall had gone to get the show canceled. While Nathan here wasn't listening to anything! "I heard Zayn when I went to the washroom" Nathan cried. The boys looked at Zayn. "I was saying that I've told Max how Niall, Harry and Nathan were still tired and cranky. And I said that I'm surprised how Max hasn't seen this and spanked Nathan for being cranky as I've already given both Niall and Harry some swats for being cranky. And I said I hope Max understood what I've said about ending the concert earlier." Zayn said. Nathan's sniffles died out as he stared at Zayn who was blinking back tears at how harshly Nathan had said he hated him. "I'm sorry Nathan" Zayn mumbled a few tears rolling down his cheek. "You don't have to be sorry Zayn. Someone else will be very sorry after a full spanking as soon as we reach home." Max said as he led Nathan to the car.

During the whole car ride, Nathan was trying to find a way to get out of the spanking. "I'm sorry." Nathan said to Max. Max shook his head not even looking at Nathan. "Sorry" Nathan mumbled again as he leaned over Max to make him look towards him. The boys bit their lips watching how Nathan was trying to get Max to look at him. "Sorry" Nathan mumbled again as he held his ears and tugged on slightly to show that he was really sorry. The boys laughed out at Nathan's antics and even Max cracked a smile. "You're not getting out of the spanking" Max said and tried to ignore the big pout that Nathan gave him.

As soon as they reached their house, Max had pulled Nathan inside and in a swift movement, he had Nathan pulled over his lap. Pushing down the boy's jeans and boxers, Max started spanking Nathan.


You need to get a hold on your attitude Nathan


Do not listen to things and act out like this


Do you know how hurt Zayn was when you started blaming him?


Cranky or not, you don't throw tantrums like that


Max ended the spanking and pulled Nathan in a hug. "Okay. Now stop crying. It's only twenty five. You got your way out of the big spanking." Max chuckled. Nathan sniffled. "Don't you need to say sorry to someone?" Tom asked. "I'm sorry for the tantrum, Liam" Nathan said. "That's okay. You're forgiven." "Is that all you've got to say?" Jay asked. "Nath, what about Zayn?" Siva asked. "No, that's fine. In fact I'm sorry" Zayn said. "No, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Zayn." Nathan said, getting up to give Zayn a hug. Zayn returned the hug smiling at the boy. "Misunderstanding cleared?" Louis asked, "Because we need to get back home. Harry and Niall are all ready asleep and I guess Nathan also need some sleep." "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding" Nathan said again. The One Direction boys nodded and went away as Max cuddled Nathan.

"All this because of someone's crankiness" Jay sighed. "A misunderstanding because someone got too cranky" Tom chuckled. Nathan pouted hiding his face in Max's shirt.


Dedicated to @tiffanyarcher3210!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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