No compromise with health

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1) Prompt - Can you do one where Nathan gets sick and doesn't tell the boys and it makes it worse? Then Nathan has to do an interview and feels horrible and passes out and the boys get mad because they thought he fell asleep and when he won't wake the boys freak out.

2) Prompt - Nath is sick before a show and needs a shot in order to feel better for up to 3hrs so he can do the show. He thought it was in arm but it's actually on the bum. He lays over the couch but keeps moving so one of the boys puts him over their lap and playfully spanks him then they all cuddle after he gets the shot and heads for the stage


Nathan should have learnt by now that hiding things from the boys would only end in his lost. But seriously, the boy just didn't understand that how much worried he would get the boys when he hide things and they turn out really badly. But out of everything that Nathan could have hidden from the boys, he should have known that the boys wouldn't want to do any compromise with his health. Nathan, though, wanted no compromise with their schedule of the day so he hid the fact that he was not feeling good from the boys.

There was just an interview and a concert and Nathan thought he could easily get through it without his health getting in between. But of course things wouldn't go as he thought. One can't easily hide a fever and Nathan was no different. He knew that the boys wouldn't definitely hear him cough, see him wipe off his runny nose or see the tremors going through his body or feel his hot skin so just keep it hidden, Nathan faked sleep. As soon as they got in the car, Nathan started whining about having been woken up to soon and then he announced he was going to sleep while they get to the interview. Tired of his whining, the boys let him do so.

When they reached the place where the concert and before concert interview would happen, Jay was about to wake Nathan up when the boy opened his eyes, glaring at him. "I want to sleep" Nathan whined. "Then don't glare at me, it's not my fault that we have interviews and a concert" Jay snapped at him. Throughout the interview Nathan found it difficult to concentrate. His head felt too heavy and he just wanted to sleep. The boys kept watching how Nathan was blinking hard and they got angry thinking that the boy was feeling sleepy. This interview was an important one and here Nathan was acting up just because he wanted to sleep.

Seeing Nathan's eyes flutter closed got the boys even more angry. Tom reached over to give Nathan a swat on his thigh to wake him up but the boy didn't wake up. Angry, Tom was about to turn the boy a bit sideways so that he could give him a proper swat on the backside when Nathan fell forward. "Nath" Siva shouted, grabbing the boy as they stopped the interview. "What happened?" Max asked. "He passed out" Siva replied. "What?" Jay asked. "He has a high fever." Tom said, as he felt the boy's boiling forehead. "Let's get him to the couch" Max said as he helped Siva put Nathan on the couch. In the meantime Jay had managed to get the interview wrapped up and returned back to the boys. "We need a doctor. There's a concert in three hours and..." Tom trailed off. "No, I'm fine. No doctor" Nathan protested as he woke up, swaying dizzily as Tom caught him again. "Doctor it is" Tom confirmed.

Lying on the couch, Nathan pouted as the doctor checked him over. The doctor himself had to hide a smile at the boy literally behaving like a kid. "Take a deep breath for me" the doctor said as he pressed the stethoscope to Nathan's chest. Nathan hissed at the cold feeling, prompting Siva to squeeze his shoulder so as to offer some comfort. The doctor smiled at them before turning to the boys. "He has the flu. He needs complete bed rest" the doctor said. "But we have a concert in three hours." Nathan argued. "Nath, if doc says you can't perform then so be it" Tom said. "Please, I want to perform at the concert" Nathan pleased to the doctor. Smiling the man accepted, "but I have some conditions. You keep drinking water. Sit down most of the time. Go to sleep right after the concert and tell anyone if you don't feel good." The doctor said. "Okay done" Nathan agreed. "Well, not so soon my boy" the doctor said as he grabbed his kit and pulled out an injection. "NO" Nathan shouted as he scooted further back. The doctor this time couldn't help but chuckle. He was really dealing with a child. "Nath" Max warned. "No injection, please" Nathan pouted. "If you want to perform, your fever needs to get down and the flu shot is the best" the doctor said. Nathan looked on the verge of tears and he sniffled as he looked at the doctor. "It won't be that bad, come on" the doctor smiled at him.

And that's how Nathan found himself sitting on the couch as he waited for the injection. As the doctor turned to him, he noticed the boy rolling up his sleeve. "Oh, actually it will be on your little bum" the doctor said and he didn't miss the reaction he got. "No" Nathan shouted and this time Tom pulled him up and sideways.


"If you want to perform you have to take the injection" Tom said. Nathan, this time, burst in sobs. "Oh baby" Siva sighed. "Okay, alright, you'll be fine. No need for tears. It's just a little injection" Max said, helping Nathan lie back on the couch and pushing his jeans and boxers down. The doctor approached Nathan but couldn't give the boy his shot. "Nathan, you need to be still" the doctor said. Max sighed as he saw Nathan about to cry harder. He reached over and sat down pulling Nathan over his lap. Softly smacking the backside in front of him, Max said, "stay still baby. It will be over before you know it." The doctor smiled at Max before he quickly gave the boy his injection. Max winced along with Nathan as the boy started crying again but pulled him up in a cuddle as the boy listened to the doctor's directions. As the doctor was about to go, he turned to Nathan and asked, "want a sticker boy? You've been quite brave for this injection." Nathan nodded, grabbing the sticker. Max chuckled and thanked the doctor as he cuddled the sniffling boy.

Nathan had been able to perform that day but the boys had been very careful of getting him to drink water, to sit down and when he complained about can't sit with a sore bottom, they even got a couch on stage and had a little cuddle with the boy. And not to mention how Nathan proudly showed his sticker to the crowd since he's been a brave boy.

But from that day Nathan got a correction that if he doesn't want a sore bottom, he needs to say when he feels sick otherwise it might not always be a spanking that will get his bottom sore. It could also be a shot because he knows the boys will do no comprise with his health.


Dedicated to MusicHoran and Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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