Setting an example

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1) Prompt - Can u write another chapter of tom and max getting spanked I find it hilarious lol maybe they get drunk every night lately. Kevin, Nano and Paul is pissed off the get told no more booze or party's aloud and get angry and refuse spankings because their old enough to drink that it's their lives and will live it how they want.

2) Prompt -Maybe all the boys getting a spanking for getting drunk at a special event or appearance the eldest get it worst because they r older and should be a example.

3) Prompt - Love your stories can u do another tom and max getting spanked by Nano and Kevin maybe even the belt is used. They refuse the spanking pull tantrums and Kevin gets angry and takes the belt out and the boys get punished big time.

4) Prompt - Max and tom drunk and fight maybe it annoyed Kevin and Nano

5) Prompt - I was wondering if u could maybe do another chapter of tom and max jay getting spanked by scooter Paul, Nano, Kev because they missed their plane because they got drunk the night before. Jay gets a smaller punishment as the oldest get the belt big time because there a bad example to the youngest


It seemed to be the story of every night now. Lately, The Wanted boys seemed to be getting out of control with the parties and booze. It wasn’t that they weren’t partying before or that it was the first time but this time it was making an impact on their image. It wasn’t certainly a good impact. And it was seriously starting to bother Nano and Kevin to see the boys ruining their lives and career like this. They had given the boys enough time now but it seems like they needed someone to step in and get them back on track.

Scooter would have been taking his belt to the boys’ backsides readily but unfortunately he had to go for some important works and that’s what the boys were taking advantage of. Well not all of the boys but Tom, Max and Jay. Siva wasn’t much keen on parties while Nathan wasn’t at the age of partying in America. But Tom, Max and Jay seemed to be taking this party and alcohol thing a little too far. Nano and Kevin thought it was just for some time that the boys were having fun but when it started affecting their work also, Nano and Kev thought it right to step in.

It was one of those nights again when Tom, Max and Jay had gone out partying. However much Siva and Nathan tried stopping the boys by reminding them that they had a flight to catch way early morning to get back to UK but Tom, Max and Jay promised they’ll be in time for the flight. But the boys were so drunk that they forgot their flight and Tom and Max even got into a fight with a bartender who tried to reason with them that it was time for the night club to close down and he couldn’t give them any more alcohol. While Jay tried to stop Max and Tom, he was the one who earned a punch from Tom straight to the face.

Back at the airport, Nathan and Siva tried their best to contact the boys but no one was picking up their phones. So, they called Nano and Nano told them to forget the flight and get back home, he and Kev will be there soon. When Siva and Nathan reached back home, they didn’t know whether to be happy that the boys were at home, spread out on the couch sleeping, or to be worried about their appearance. Jay had a bruise on his left cheek, Tom had bruised knuckles and Max looked worse for wear.

When Nano and Kev came to the boys’ apartment, even they were not happy to see the state in which Tom, Max and Jay were. “Go get some sleep.” Nano told Nathan and Siva but Nathan shook his head. Nano didn’t want Nathan to witness the boys’ spankings so he wanted Nathan to not be there at that time. “Seev, take Nathan with you and both you get to your room” Kev said in a firm voice. Nathan flinched at the tone looking at Kev with tearful eyes but Kev was really angry to be nice to Nathan though he did feel bad for raising his voice at the boy. Siva pulled Nathan up walking to their room while Nano and Kev waited for Max, Tom and Jay to wake up.

Baby of The Band - The Wanted spanking ficWhere stories live. Discover now