Cut on purpose?

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  • Dedicated to @DeanMullin and @dianaisawesome

1) Prompt - had another idea Nathan cuts himself and starts crying the guys think he cut himself on purpose and spank him harder than before but during this he has a asthma Attack and passes out the boys don't noticed and carry on the spanking but then notice and take him to hospital

2) Prompt - while one of the boys is spanking Nathan, Nathan starts to have an asthma attack and everyone gets really panicky and scared, then the boys run to get his inhaler but it doesn't work so they have to rush him to the hospital and it ends with a fluffy ending!!!


Self harm was something that had become part of Nathan’s life. But that was only until the boys found out Nathan still remembers when Tom caught him and he still remembers those ten swats from Max. And ever since he’s had a few swats here and there and even had the belt whenever he cut because Tom had told him, “You want to feel pain Nath? Whenever you feel like cutting come to any of us and tell us why you want to cut! You’ll get five licks of the belt for even thinking of cutting! And we’ll talk you out of cutting. If you’re not convinced! You’ll get the belt until you don’t even feel like cutting!” And Nathan had seriously gotten over self harm ever since.

He seriously didn’t want another harsh spanking or the belt and besides the boys had helped him get over the self harm, so he was sure he wouldn’t turn back to it again. But the boys weren’t so sure that Nathan had gotten over the self harm. Every time Nathan got hate, the boys were always scared that he would cut and they would get overly protective with him on such days. Recently, Nathan was on twitter with the boys when he came across #GoDieNath! Siva pulled him in a hug, “Don’t pay attention to them baby. You know we all love you” Siva whispered. The boys really thought that Nathan might try to cut again but Nathan assured them that he wasn’t affected by the hate. Though the boys looked a little worried but they thought maybe Nathan was over self harm now!

The boys cut Nathan some slack, not hovering around him as they used to do when they were scared that Nathan might self harm again. And Nathan had been very glad for that. He could walk freely without having anyone watching over him. He walked downstairs and sat with the boys for a while before saying he was going to get himself some fruits from the kitchen. Nathan watched as none of the boys followed him to the kitchen. Earlier, they wouldn’t even allow Nathan to be alone in the kitchen in case he grabs a knife and starts self harming again.

Nathan walked to the kitchen. Grabbing some fruits and a knife he balanced them in his arms when suddenly he applied a little too much pressure on the knife causing it to scratch his forearm. Letting go of the fruits, Nathan hissed as he saw the scratch bleeding. “Shit” Nathan hissed as he pressed a dish towel to the cut. “Nath?” Tom said standing at the doorway, “not again baby!” Tom said, totally misunderstanding the situation. “No, Tom, you misunderstood me. I didn’t…” Nathan protested but Tom was already grabbing his upper arm and pulling him to the living room.

“What’s wrong?” Max asked as he saw Tom dragging Nathan. “Look at this” Tom said as he lifted Nathan’s arm to show the boys the cut on Nathan’s arm. “He cut again?” Jay asked. Tom nodded while Nathan shook his head. “Why Nath?” Siva asked. “No, Seev, you don’t understand…” Nathan trailed off. “We really don’t understand buddy. Here we started trusting you that you had stopped with this self harming and cutting and look what you go and do.” Max said. “Please, Max” Nathan said, hiccupping a little as tears flew down his cheeks. “I told you you’ll get the belt, right? That is what’s going to happen” Tom explained as he pulled off his belt. “Listen to me, Tom” Nathan tried. “Don’t stall this bud” Max said as he turned Nathan to bend towards where Tom was standing behind the couch. Tom pulled an already crying Nathan to bend over the couch as he pushed down the boy’s jeans and underwear.


I thought we talked about not self harming again, Nath?


I told you to come talk to us when you feel like cutting


You let us trust you again to break our trust


I’m so disappointed in you Nathan


We all thought that you had stop self harming


But you went and cut yourself again


As Tom had started the spanking Nathan had been crying loudly but just after 75 hits with the belt the boy was gasping for breath making Tom stop abruptly. “Nath” Tom asked placing his hand on Nathan’s back and felt how the boy’s whole body was shaking. “Shit, he’s having an asthma attack” Tom said and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Jay running to get the inhaler. Tom sat on the couch pulling Nathan to sit on his lap as Max rubbed Nathan’s back. “Jay, hurry up, get the inhaler” Siva shouted. “How long was he having the asthma attack?” Max asked. “I really don’t know” Tom said as he watched Nathan struggle to breathe. Jay ran to Nathan pressing the inhaler to Nathan’s mouth but even three tries later, Nathan wasn’t able to breathe properly. “Nathan” Max shouted as he patted the boy’s cheek but only to have Nathan fall forward as the boy lost conscious. “Shit, he passed out” Siva said. “Get the car” Tom yelled as he scooped Nathan in his arms running to the car to get Nathan to the hospital quickly.

It took them half an hour in the hospital before a doctor led them to a now stabilized Nathan. The boys sat around Nathan waiting patiently for the boy to wake up. “I’m so sorry Nath” Tom said as he held Nathan’s hand, a few tears rolling down his face and he felt Max squeeze his shoulder. “You should be sorry” Nathan mumbled. “Nath” Siva said leaning forward to give the now awake boy a hug. One boy one, the boys gave Nathan a hug and sighed in relief. “I’m really sorry Nath, I didn’t realize you were having an asthma attack. But babe, I’m not sorry for spanking you. You did something wrong. You hurt yourself and you got spanked for that.” Tom said. “Yeah, Nath! But why suddenly an asthma attack?” Max asked. “Because I was trying to tell you I hadn’t cut myself on purpose.” Nathan explained. “What?” Tom asked.

“Yeah, I was taking too many fruits in my arms and I hadn’t seen that I had placed the knife on my forearm. I pressed a little hard on the knife and it scratched my arm and started bleeding making it look like a cut. I hadn’t self harmed. I was trying to explain to you boys but you weren’t listening.” Nathan said. “You were crying too hard during the spanking and you were also trying to explain yourself causing your asthma attack.” Siva said. Nathan nodded. “Oh God, Nath! I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t know and I didn’t even let you explain yourself. I should have… No, Max I need to be punished. You have to” Tom said turning to Max. “No, Tom! Because then all of us need to be punished because we also didn’t let Nathan explain and believed that he cut on purpose” Max said.

“No, Tom, none of you needs to be spanked. It was just a mistake let’s forget it.” Nathan said. “Besides I’ll just take the punishment as a reminder not to play with harmful things” Nathan added. “Aww… Look at Nath trying to justify his spanking” Jay chuckled making the boys laugh and Nathan also laughed causing him to cough a little. “Hey, easy… Get some sleep. We’ll try getting you out of here as soon as possible” Siva said rubbing Nathan’s chest as the boy fell asleep. “Bless him” Tom said looking at Nathan’s sleeping form.


Dedicated to my best friend @DeanMullin and to a lovely friend @dianaisawesome!

Thank you to those reading!

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xx Hailey

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