Sugar rush

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Prompt - As another prompt how about one where after doing sound check the boys have one or two hours to spare and they decide to rest before the show. Nathan doesn't want to cuz he had sugar and wants to go onstage telling the boys he wants to run around but the boys tell him to sit down and stay in the dressing room, Nath sneaks out and maybe Nano/Kev? U choose find him and brings him to the dressing room where the other boys were worried and scared and Nath explains he wanted to look around and get rid of some of the energy. The boys and Kev/Nano? Spank him comfort afterwards. 


Nathan and sugar was definitely not a good combination. The boys learnt this the not so happy way. Nano and a hairbrush is also not a good combination. Nathan also learnt it in a definitely not happy and very painful way. Nathan surely would think twice before taking that much of sugar or should he be thinking twice before disobeying Nano’s orders. Whichever it is but Nathan surely would think twice before running off on a sugar rush when Nano said not to.


It was Jay’s fault. Seriously! If he hadn’t bought those candies then Nathan wouldn’t have been tempted. Simple! Jay had bought those candies for Halloween and now two days later, Nathan found himself staring longingly at those candies. “Tom, please?” Nathan asked as they sat down for dinner. “No” Tom refused. Nathan pouted turning to Jay, “Bird, please? Just one candy?” “Sorry Nath” Jay sighed. “Seev?” Nathan asked turning puppy eyes on Siva. “Don’t look at me like that. Tom told you no, right? So its no” Siva said. “Max” Nathan pouted. “One candy after dinner and that also if you finish your dinner.” Max said. Nathan pouted but at least he was getting one candy.

But the next day, Nathan made sure to grab those candies before the boys even woke up. “You woke up early, today. What happened? Feeling alright?” Tom asked, concerned since Nathan never woke up before them unless they were hung over. But as soon as Nathan lifted his face, Tom felt like face palming himself. “You ate all the candies?” Tom asked. Nathan gave him a happy nod. Tom sighed and before he could lay a finger on Nathan, the boy run off giggling to his room. “Whoa, carefully buddy” Max shouted after Nathan collided with him. “What’s wrong?” Siva asked Tom. “He ate all the candies.” Tom said. “Sugar rush?” Jay asked and Tom nodded.

“Nathan calm down” Siva said as Nathan ran in the hallway to the sound check where they were performing later. “So help me if you fall down, I’ll tan your bottom badly” Tom warned Nathan. The boys were all tired of their hectic schedule these days and Nathan also would have feel the tiredness if he wasn’t on a sugar rush. “Jay, if you hadn’t bought these candies” Max groaned. “But he knows better than eating them all at once” Jay argued. “Yeah, that’s true” Tom agreed. “Hold on Nath” Kevin said, grabbing Nathan and throwing him over his shoulder, “caught the guy. Where do you want him?” Kevin asked. “Thank goodness! Sound check” Max shouted, chuckling when he heard Nathan giggling about feeling like flying.

Sound check went quite okay despite what Tom though that Nathan being on sugar rush won’t be able to sing. But after sound check, the boys just wanted to crash for a while. “I feel so tired” Siva whined. “Me too” Jay groaned. “Could get some shut eye, there’s still three hours for the concert” Max said. “Sounds like a plan” Tom agreed, making place on the couch. Jay and Siva took one long couch cuddling together as Max claimed the single small couch. “Guess it’s you and me sharing the other long couch” Tom said. “I don’t want to sleep” Nathan whined. “Nath, listen, you’re going to crash anyway why not get some sleep right now and then you could save the energy for the show. Please, at least lie down and try close your eyes” Tom said, tugging Nathan on the couch.

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