Occasional slip ups

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Prompt - Hi I was wondering if your spanking story can take a change for a chapter where the oldest gets spanked for once. Tom is late and doesn't tell anyone where he is they are worried about him. When he arrives home he is annoyed and pulls a tantrum saying he is the oldest and spanking is for the younger boys not him. They get annoyed of his attitude and max pulls him over his leg. Tom kicks and pushes so all four boys hold him down. Each member gets a turn at hitting him. Nathan hairbrush Jay and Siva hand spank him and max uses the belt. Tom is struggling between the hits so he even gets time out which annoys tom. He learns that just because he is the oldest doesn't mean he won't get spanked sorry long idea

If u can include Nano and big Kev, Scooter also in the spanking also that tom refuses the hug after the spanking and gets 5 more because of it


Tom was one of the hardest spankers between the boys. But he himself rarely got spanked. Usually, if you find Tom on someone’s lap, it must be because of guilt of having wrongly spanked someone. He himself would ask for a spanking in these situations but never was he pulled on someone’s lap by force. Since he was the oldest, he knew he had to be the firm one. He knew he couldn’t do mistakes to get him spanked or else no one would trust him to be in charge of spanking the others ever again. But a little slip can happen!

A little slip up that happened on a very bad day. The boys were all meeting up at Scooter’s office after a break of two weeks within which they had gone back home. Directly from the airport, the boys were to get straight to Scooter’s office. Jay was the first to reach there and met up with Nano while they waited for the others to come. Then Max came followed by Siva and then Nathan. It had been over two hours, they had been waiting for Tom but he still hadn’t arrived. Even Kevin and Scooter had managed to reach there.

“Where’s Tom?” Scooter asked. “Maybe his flight was late” Nathan said. “No, I took the flight details for all of you and Tom’s flight was first. So, where is he?” Scooter asked. “I’ll call him” Jay offered. His calls thought went unanswered. “I’ll take a ride down and see if he went home or is on his way” Kevin offered. “I’ll find out if he did board the flight” Nano said. “I’ll call home” Siva said. “Maybe he is in any kind of trouble?” Nathan asked. “Or he decided to act out of way for once” Scooter said. Max looked at Scooter sharing a look.

They waited another two hours. “Found him?” Jay asked as soon as he saw Kevin. “No” Kevin said. “He was in the flight though” Nano said. “But where is he?” Scooter asked. “I’m really worried. Something must have happened. I’m telling you” Nathan said. Jay and Siva looked equally worried. “Why aren’t you two worried?” Nathan asked pointing to Scooter and Max. “Watch that tone” Scooter warned Nathan whose shoulders immediately dropped and he curled on himself pouting.

It took Tom another one whole hour to reach Scooter’s office. “Tom” Nathan shouted as soon as he saw Tom and rush forward to hug Tom as Siva and Jay also joined in the hug. “I missed you all too but I seriously need to breathe” Tom chuckled. The boys pulled away and Tom frowned as he saw Max hadn’t joined in the hug. “Well hello to you too” Tom greeted Max. “Where were you, Tom?” Max asked. “Excuse me, none of your concern” Tom snickered. “It is my concern though as you’re five hours late. Where were you?” Scooter asked. “I don’t owe you an explanation Daddy. You own Nathan not me” Tom sassed.

Nathan looked hurt by that comment. Sure, sometimes he has his slip ups and call Scooter ‘daddy’ but that was something all the boys respected and accepted because Scooter had somewhat stepped up to be Nathan’s father. Tom throwing this in Nathan’s face was a little hurting. “Tom” Max yelled. “What?” Tom shouted back. Scooter patted Nathan’s back and took a deep breath before talking to Tom again. “Listen all we want to know was where you were since five hours! You should have been here five hours ago.” Scooter said. “Yeah, so? I got caught up somewhere. I met some friends! What’s your problem? I’m old enough to do what I want alright?” Tom said.

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