Live stream disaster - Part 2

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Prompt - it'd be awesome if you showed us Siva's spanking too in the next chapter!


From this live stream disaster, not only Nathan got punished but Siva too found himself being punished by Tom. It all happened because of that live stream. If only Siva hadn't called Nathan then this wouldn't have happened. If only Nathan hadn't decided to disclose Siva's personal details like then this wouldn't have happened. But because of all that Siva had to get punished by Tom. All this happened because of that live stream disaster.

After that phone call with Nathan, Siva hadn't even thought that Nathan would disclose his personal details on that live stream but then a few minutes later he heard the boys talking about how Nathan showed Siva's phone number on that live stream. "He did what?" Siva gasped. "He showed your number on screen" Jay told Siva. "Oh my God" Siva sighed. "Relax Siva. Let's wait a little huh? Maybe nobody caught the number." Max tried to say as he squeezed Siva's shoulder. "Nathan is getting his butt toasted when gets back" Siva said. "You're free to spank him, Seev but let's just wait for a while, okay?" Tom said and tried to ignore the fact that Siva had glared at him.

Minutes later, Siva was going crazy with the amount of phone calls that he had gotten. "Relax Seev, just don't pick up any calls now, okay?" Max said. "I'm going to kill Nathan" Siva yelled. Tom shared a look with Max and said, "We'll get you a new number, okay?" "That doesn't make up for all this, Tom. You always favor Nathan. Look in what mess he got me" Siva shouted. "Siva, I don't like that tone of yours" Tom warned the boy. But then another phone call came and this time Siva flung his phone at the wall in anger and had complete temper tantrum going as far as to pushing Max away when the man tried to get him calmed down. This time Tom didn't let go of the matter as he pulled Siva over his lap and pushed his jeans and boxers down to spank him.


There was no need for that temper tantrum.


We told you that we'll get your number changed.


You can even spank Nath when he comes back


But there was no need to smash your phone


You need to keep your attitude in check


Tom ended the spanking as soon as Siva's sobs were heard. He cuddled the boy in his arms. Instead of shushing the boy, Tom let the boy cry all his frustrations and stress out. "Get him a new phone along with a new number" Tom said to Jay. "Don't worry baby. Nathan will surely get punished too." Max promised Siva.

Days later when Nathan arrived, Siva was allowed to spank Nathan. And much days later, Nathan finally learnt how Siva got spanked and that's why he went to Siva, apologizing again. "I'm really sorry, Siva. You got punished because of me." Nathan apologized, with tears spilling from his eyes. "It's okay Nath" Siva said as he pulled the boy in a hug despite the blush on his face. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Tom, Max and Jay snickering softly. Siva rolled his eyes as he patted Nathan softly on the back.

Both boys hoping again that such a thing doesn't happen and this live stream disaster doesn't cause them any more mess.


Here's part 2 of live stream disaster.

Dedicated to Psparkle022!

Thank you to those reading.

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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