Nothing or something?

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Prompt - could you do one where Siva is having a really bad day and just spanks Nathan to relive stress even though NATH did nothing wrong and Siva lies to the boy causing Nath to get 5 smacks of each of them but they see cctv of what Siva did and give him a time out and buy Nath a present to say sorry but Nath won't speak to Siva for a long while


Siva had been really zoned out in the entire interview that the boys were attending. Tom saw it and he made a mental note to talk to Siva afterwards. Even Max saw how silent, much more than usual Siva had become. He wanted to talk to Siva after the interview but he was never able to. As soon as they reached home, Siva had practically shut himself in his room. And the boys let him be thinking he might be homesick since they’ve been home last week and just came back.

But was it really homesickness? No. Actually, last week when Siva went home, his uncle was there. Uncle Bob! Siva tried his best to stay away from that man but it wasn’t that easy. And Siva seriously started doubting if he really was important to his family! His own siblings seemed like very distant to him. And it did not help things when he actually got spanked for nothing, again, by Uncle Bob for apparently because Uncle Bob didn’t like Siva’s attitude of being a pop star. And nobody defended Siva back at home. Siva really doubted if the boys also were his brothers or were they just playing nice with him for the sake of the band.

That’s why Siva maintained a certain distance from the boys since he came back. He didn’t want them to know about his spanking back home and especially he didn’t want to know that he wasn’t loved here. Because that would be worse for him! But the boys were fed up of Siva staying only in his room. They had given him his time alone but now it was bothering them. “I’ll go talk to him!” Nathan offered. “We’ll go fetch dinner in meantime” Tom said as Max, Jay and him, made their way to the door.

Nathan made his way to Siva’s room not bothering to knock as he opened the door and walked in. He found Siva lying on his stomach. Nathan had a video camera in his hand, he placed it on the desk as he walked to Siva’s bed not knowing that the cam was actually on and was recording everything. “Seev? Why are you not coming down?” Nathan asked sitting beside Siva. “Go away Nath!” Siva hissed. “No! You first tell me what’s wrong?” Nathan asked. “Nothing’s wrong! Just go away!” Siva yelled. “But Seev! You look upset! What happened? You missing home? Missing your family?” Nathan asked. That did it for Siva. He turned around and dragged Nathan to his side of the bed before flipping Nathan on his lap. He was meant to give him only 5 swats to get him to go away but he found himself unable to stop.


Nothing seems to be breaking Siva out of this.


The boys managed to get home in time to hear the sound of hands hitting flesh. “Spanking?” Jay asked. Tom shrugged as he ran to Siva’s room with Max and Jay behind him. “What happened?” Tom asked Siva who finally stopped spanking Nathan. “Tom” Nathan sobbed as he lifted his arms for Tom to scoop him up. Tom did so looking at Siva for answers. “He was being a brat and disturbing me and also cursed at me!” Siva lied. Tom shook his head putting Nathan down as he turned him around giving him two swats before passing him to Max who gave him two more swats. And finally Jay gave his backside a smack also.

“But I didn’t do anything!” Nathan sobbed. “Nath, don’t lie” Tom said as Nathan shook his head before running to his room. “Sorry buddy” Tom told Siva before moving out. “Oh! My video cam is here! I thought I lost it!” Jay said. “I don’t know how it came here. You can take it” Siva said as Jay nodded taking the cam with him.

Jay was sitting on the couch watching Max and Tom wrestle each other when he suddenly thought of recording it. But he found the memory full. Going through the videos to erase them he came across that of Siva spanking Nathan for absolutely no reason. “Guys, see this” Jay said passing Max the video cam. “But why would Siva do that to Nathan?” Tom asked. “Siva” Max shouted as he watched Siva walked down the stairs. “I can’t believe you spanked Nathan for absolutely no reason!” Tom said. “Nathan” Jay shouted as Nathan also came down. “I want you in the corner, Seev, time out. But firstly say sorry to Nathan!” Tom said.

Siva felt a little guilty now that he saw the angry faces around him. “I’m sorry Nath. I don’t know what got to me. I was…” Siva trailed off. “No, Seev! I can never forgive you! I hate you” Nathan said before running up his room. Jay ran after him. “You are going to stay in that time out for 15 minutes before we give you a hell of a spanking” Max said before he and Tom went to see Nathan.

Siva swallowed back the sobs that he was holding in. They hate you! Nathan would never talk to you again! But you have to go away from here. If they give you a spanking on the bare, they’ll see the belt marks from Uncle Bob. And you deserve much more than a simple spanking! You should die! Siva thought as he quietly moved out of the house.


Part 2? And please suggest what should happen in part 2!

Dedicated to my best mate @DeanPryor1

Thank you those reading!

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xx Hailey

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