A case of the hiccups

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Prompt - Well, it's going to sound very stupid, but in a roundabout way I want Nathan to suffer the way I suffered on Sunday. Sunday I had a case of the hiccups that lasted for 9 hours. Not sure how that would translate into a fic but good luck.


It was the worse feeling on earth according to Nathan. He woke up okay but just before breakfast, Nathan suddenly started having the hiccups. It started out very innocently if you asked Nathan. A few hiccups at odd times but Nathan felt it will just go away on its own. Except that two hours later, Nathan was still hiccupping every other minute. That was when Nathan realized he had actually got a case of the hiccups and that was a big problem.

At first the boys thought that Nathan was just joking around. Nathan couldn't have a proper conversation with any of the boys without stuttering due to his hiccups. "Nath shut it. You're annoying me." Tom snapped. "But 'hiccup' I 'hiccup' am 'hiccup' not doing 'hiccup' any 'hiccup' thing." Nathan stuttered out. "Stop those hiccups." Jay said. "I can't 'hiccup' stop 'hiccup' them." Nathan hiccupped out. "Drink some water" Siva said. Nathan shook his head, not wanting to open his mouth. He was tired of the hiccups. "Drink or I'll force it down your throat" Max said. Nathan opened his mouth to tell Max no when Max pushed the bottle to his lips forcing him to gulp down the water. They all sat quietly for a while with Max smirking at Nathan when they again heard the boy's hiccup. "You kidding me" Jay sighed.

Two hours later, Nathan was still stuck with his hiccups. His chest was hurting now. "What's wrong?" Siva asked when he noticed Nathan sitting on the couch with his head in his hands and Siva could hear little sobs coming from the boy. "Make them stop" Siva heard Nathan mumbled as the boy threw himself in Siva's arms. "The hiccups still didn't stop" Siva asked, though he could already hear the hiccups. "Chest 'hiccup' hurts" Nathan hiccupped out. "Alright, come on. Don't cry. Let's go downstairs. We'll find a way to stop the hiccups" Siva promised as he led Nathan downstairs.

When the boys saw Nathan, they were about to tease him as they heard the hiccups again but Siva shook his head just in time when Max opened his mouth to tease him. Max raised an eyebrow at Siva who simply pointed to Nathan's face and the boys realized that Nathan had been crying. "The hiccups won't stop?" Tom asked. Nathan shook his head as he choked on a sob which turned into a hiccup again. Max winced along with Nathan when the boy rubbed his chest. "Come, we'll search some tips on the net" Jay said as he patted the seat next to him. Nathan snuggled in Jay's side, alternating between a little sniffle and a hiccup.

Three hours later, they had tried every means but Nathan's hiccups would just not stop. Frustrated, the boy had now turned cranky. Everything was hurting now and nobody was able to help him. A cranky Nathan often leads to tantrums and that's exactly what Nathan started doing. At first, had started pushing away the boys and then he started refusing every tip they offered to help the boy out. But Tom could no longer watch Nathan's tantrums when Nathan pushed away the glass of water that Siva offered to him.

Nathan watched the glass shatter when suddenly he was pulled up and over Tom's lap with his jeans and boxers going down.


How dare you pull a tantrum when we are trying to help you


Breaking a glass isn't going to help you


Feeling very exhausted and frustrated with his hiccups, those fifteen swats were enough to bring Nathan to tears. The boy had started sobbing out so loudly that he didn't even realize that Tom had stopped spanking him and had pulled him in a hug. He vaguely felt his jeans being removed and his boxers being pulled up as he continued crying in Tom's chest. "Shush down Nath. It's okay. Stop crying. The spanking is over baby" Tom tried to soothe Nathan but the boy kept crying. Worried the boys had moved closer to Nathan as Max rubbed Nathan's back and Siva and Jay kept talking to him.

Finally Nathan had cried himself to sleep. "Finally! Those hiccups had really tired him out" Siva said. Tom smiled as he carded a hand through Nathan's hair. "Hey guys, his hiccups have actually stopped" Jay noticed. "Don't mention it ever mate. Just don't mention it" Max sighed.

They would gladly love to put this case of the hiccups as well as this meltdown behind them.


Dedicated to jasmine_sparrow!

Thank you to those reading!

Please Read/ Vote/ Comment/ Prompt me!

xx Hailey

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