First basketball game

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Prompt - can you do one where the boys take Nath to his first basketball game and Nath gets to meet the players and the basketball players are teaching Nath how to play basketball when the ball hits his stomach and he starts crying and maybe the boys comfort him and then after the game when there leaving the boys told Nathan to not stop to see fans because there were to many but Nathan doesn't really listen and he's goes and sees them but the fans got excited and he gets like scratches and bruises and stuff. Then when they get home Tom only gives him a light spanking because he felt bad that Nathan got hurt and stuff and then they all cuddle at the end thank you! :)


Nathan had never been to a basketball match before and that just didn't sit well with Max. Nathan was his younger brother now and Max couldn't let any little brother of his live without being to a basketball match. That's how the plan to go see the Lakers was made. Since they were in Los Angeles, Max thought it perfect for Nathan to go see a Lakers' match. And it was not wrong to say that their youngest was absolutely excited for that.

Sat in the stands, unlike the four others, Nathan was actually bouncing on his seat. "Calm down, baby boy" Jay chuckled as he took the popcorns from Nathan in case the boy spills them all. "Can we meet them, too?" Nathan asked. "I guess we can but after the match" Max assured the boy. Nathan tried to sit through it but he was too excited and jumped up, clapping along with the crowd as he watched the match. After all, it was his first basketball match that he's been too.

After the match, as the crowd started clearing out, Max led the boys to one of his friends in the team. With the help of his friend, Max was able to make Nathan meet the players. As soon as the boys learned that it was Nathan's first game, they started explaining the boy about the game and even gave him the ball to score. After a few attempts, he had even manage to score a basket but was unable to catch back a ball that hit him right in the stomach. Letting out a painful whimper, Nathan dropped to his knees, trying not to cry as he clutched his stomach.

One of the players were the first to react as he crouched down next to Nathan, apologizing for having thrown the ball a little too hard for him. "Are you hurt, little one?" another one asked. "Nope, he's fine" Siva assured the boys as he lifted Nathan's shirt and was happy to find no injury but just a little bruise that look a bit red. Nothing that won't heal within a few days. Upset for having ruined Nathan's first game, the boys gifted him a signed shirt by their best player and even gave him a ball as gift. That considerably lifted the boy's mood.

As they made their way out, Tom warned the boys that there was a quite a crowd in front that recognized them and they needed to get to the car quickly and safely. "You heard me, Nathan? Only wave to them, don't stop for anyone. Just make your way to the car quickly" Tom said again. Except that Nathan did completely the reverse. He was making his way to the car when the girls started pleading him for either an autograph or photograph and Nathan actually gave in. He got so lost in signing stuffs for the girls that he almost didn't see Max but he did feel the hand on the back of his neck, leading him to back to the car.

As soon as he got in the car, Nathan noticed the stern faces of the boys. Asking Kevin to drive off, Tom pulled Nathan quickly over his lap in the car itself. "Ow... My tummy" Nathan whimpered. Tom sighed but decided to be quick.


Next time you do as we say okay?


Ending the little spanking quickly, Tom pulled the boy upright. Nathan squirmed as his bottom came in contact with Tom's thigh. "Wait lad. Your bum... Your tummy... I have to mind everything" Tom chuckled. Nathan's teary eyes though made him sigh again as he cuddled the boy and rubbed the boy's tummy softly.

"A spanking on your first basketball game? This can only happen to Nathan" Max chuckled. Nathan pouted turning his teary eyes to Max. "Okay. Okay. Don't cry now" Max sighed. Nathan chose to ignore that comment as he snuggled in Tom, relishing in the tummy rub he was getting. His first basketball game wasn't so bad after all.


Wishing ashxlou a happy birthday!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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