Study session

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Prompt - Nathan has a big test coming up but he keeps procrastinating, every time he tells the boys he already studied and knows everything so they ask him questions but he doesn't get them right so they scold him and tell him to focus. Until finally one of the boys decides to implement a "study session" he had when he was younger, Nathan has to revise and for every wrong answer he gets he gets a swat, so in the end Nathan is close to like 60 smacks until he finally focuses and starts to really study and pay attention. (Idk maybe he ends up getting a high mark on the test and the boys joke that maybe that's the best way for Nathan to learn)


Nathan knew the importance of studying. He was very well aware of how important education was. And he certainly wasn't one to procrastinate much. But lately that's exactly what he had started to do. He knew he should be studying for the big test that is coming up but he couldn't help but keep procrastinating. But when your guardians are your four big brothers then you can definitely be sure that if you continue like this, you will end up with a sore bottom. Nathan was going to learn that very soon itself.

The boys knew that Nathan had a big test coming up and this is why they were surprised when instead of studying, they saw Nathan loitering around, chilling on the couch and not at all taking a glance at his books. "Shouldn't you be studying for your test?" Siva asked Nathan. "I already studied." Nathan mumbled back. "Really?" Jay asked. "Yup" Nathan answered back, not even glancing up from the TV. "Nathan, jokes apart, you really need to pay attention to your studies." Max said. "I'm telling you, I already studies." Nathan argued. "Really? Bring your books then, I'll see how much you studied" Tom said, glaring at the boy who just gave a big sigh as he dragged his feet back to his room.

When Nathan came back with the books, he was a bit surprised to see the boys really waiting for him. They're not really going to do this? "I already studied, I told you" Nathan sighed. "So you should be knowing everything, right?" Max asked. "Absolutely" Nathan sassed. "Then you shouldn't mind us asking a few questions" Jay said. Nathan raised an eyebrow at Jay but Tom was quick to give him a swat on the thigh, "pay attention to me and not there." As Tom went on asking questions, Nathan stood there dumbfounded as he got every question wrong.

"This is what you called already studied?" Tom asked. Nathan didn't bother with the answer as he kept looking down to his shoes. "You're going to grab your books and study well, okay? Just focus" Max said as he shoved the books in Nathan's hands. Half an hour later, Nathan had already given up. The boys could see the frustrated tears already building up in the boy's eyes. That's when Jay came up with a plan. "Why don't we have a little study session for Nathan?" Jay asked. "That's a good idea." Siva said. "Listen Nath, we'll help you study, okay? And then we'll ask you some questions to see if you got it right." Max said. "For every wrong answer you get a swat" Tom added, making Nathan groan as he flopped down next to Jay on the couch.

They started with the easy ones before but an hour later, Nathan had already gotten at least 25 smacks. His backside was already sore and his thighs were in a similar state. They had yet to move to the tough ones. After one particular wrong answer that had Tom shaking his head at Nathan, the boy was pulled up by Max and bend over his lap.


It is okay to not know the answer to a question but


I can tell that you're not even paying attention.


Max let Nathan cry a little, before ruffling his hair and slightly pushing him away. He tried not to feel bad when the boy gave him a sad look. "You need to pay attention, okay?" Max simply said, with a kiss to the boy's forehead. It took a few more swats that in total came to about 60 swats in all, then only Nathan started to actually focus on his revision. But the boys were very adamant in not letting enough come in between Nathan's studies.

Thankfully, the boys' little study session had helped Nathan a great deal. After his test, the boy had hurried home, shouting about how he is sure he did well on the test. A week later, they learnt that Nathan had actually gained the highest mark in his class for this test. "We should have this study session often if it is so helpful, huh?" Tom chuckled. "Definitely" Max agreed as Nathan shook his head burying his face in Jay's side before pushing away to glare at Jay since this study session had been Jay's idea initially. The boys could only laugh at Nathan's antics.

Such study session were definitely going to be routine now.


Dedicated to Nazzayah!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey


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