The scary movie

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Prompt - One where they go and see a scary movie in theaters and Nath gets really scared and starts crying for mommy and daddy and Tom and Max take him out of the theater and comfort him. Ooh and can Nareesha and Kels be in it too?? THANK YOUUU SO MUCHHH


The Wanted was a family. Surely a weird one but no matter what, they still considered themselves as a family. Tom as the Daddy of the family, Max taking somewhat the role of a Mommy while Siva was surely the oldest one, Jay being the middle child and Nathan as the baby of the band or rather the baby of the family. It was perhaps weird but they all were quite comfortable in their role within their The Wanted family.

Even Kelsey and Nareesha knew about all this. They had once heard the boys address Tom as Daddy or Max as Mommy. Kelsey had no problem with it instead she was proud of Tom taking up such a responsible role for the boys. Nareesha also had no issues with it as she believed if Siva was happy then she was happy too. But the three youngest did have a problem with it. Whenever they were with Nareesha and Kelsey, Siva, Jay and Nathan tried their best not to slip up and call Tom as Daddy or Max as Mommy. Especially Nathan, he would remain very aloof from the two eldest whenever the girls were around.

It annoyed Tom and Max that the boys felt uncomfortable to be a family around Kelsey and Nareesha. Siva was perhaps scared of embarrassing Nareesha more than himself while Jay just didn't want to embarrass himself. Nathan on the other hand was a cross between being shy and being a brat that didn't want to be dependent on Max and Tom. Tom had even punished the boy when he decided to outsmart Tom and Max's decision. The boys had decided to go watch a movie along with Nareesha and Kelsey. When Siva and Jay decided on a horror movie, Tom and Max were quick to refuse knowing that Nathan would be scared of it. But the boy was in total denial about it.

"I want to watch the horror movie too" Nathan insisted. "No Nath, we know better. Trust us..." Max trailed off. "I'm not a baby. Do not baby me. I can take my own decision" Nathan had shouted at Max but he didn't expect Tom to pull him sideways.

SWAT SWAT You do not talk to Max SWAT like this okay? SWAT SWAT

Nathan's lips wobbled as he tried not to cry and when Max tried to pull him in a hug, the boy simply shrugged out of the hug, leaving Max and Tom to shake their heads at the boys.

They went to watch the movies. Siva and Nareesha were sat next to Max, Nathan was in the middle, next to him was Tom and Kelsey and next to Kelsey was Jay. They sat watching the movie. Not even half minutes into the movie, Nathan let out a scream as he clung onto Max. "Mommy" the boy silently cried, body trembling in fear as he allowed Max to scoop him up and carry him out of the theatres. The others followed him out quickly. "What happened?" Jay asked, worried about his little brother. Tom raised an eyebrow at Max who quickly went to car and let Nathan take a puff from the inhaler as he sat rubbing Nathan's back. 'He's scared' Max mouthed at Tom. Tom sighed as he said, "we're going back home."

As soon as they reached home, Max sat on the couch, trying to calm the still crying Nathan. "See baby, that's why we didn't want you to watch the movie." Tom said. "Daddy" Nathan pouted, still in tears. "Alright, alright, come here. Daddy's got you." Tom said as he pulled Nathan to cuddle in his lap. "Sorry Baby Nath. We wouldn't have suggested that movie if we knew you were scared of it" Jay said. Siva slapped the back of Jay's head before adding quickly, "He means to say if we knew that you didn't like it." Nathan pouted, burying his head in Tom's chest.

Kelsey and Nareesha smiled softly at the sight while Tom and Max shared a fond look with each other. Maybe this scary movie was needed to get their family back on track since the boys seemed to let go of their uncomfortable feeling around the girls, falling back to their respective role in the family.


Dedicated to ashxlou!

Thank you to those reading.

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xx Hailey

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