Monkey See, Doggie Do

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The City of Towns— (He stops himself and begins again in a whisper.) Oh, sorry. The City of Townsville, a city that sleeps, (A clock begins to chime.) a tired town with an early, early bedtime.

(Pan slowly along a street; the lights of restaurants and clubs are being turned off for the night.)

Narrator: No need for late nights here. Gotta get that beauty sleep.

(On another block, a car appears to close its eyes, dousing its headlights, and a policeman sleeps standing up at the corner.)

Narrator: (yawning) So peaceful, the empty streets.

Cop 1: (mumbling in sleep) Hands in the air.

(Dissolve to a street on the outskirts of town and pan slowly toward the girls' house.)

Narrator: Even in the suburbs, Townsville citizens are tucked away in their beds.

(We look at the inside of a house and see (Y/N) tucked in his blanket with a batman and robin comic book poster above him.)

Narrator: Ah, (Y/N) still watching the spectacular spiderman?

(We then dissolve to the Professor's bedroom; the city proper is visible from his window and (Y/N)'s house is right across the street. He sleeps sitting up in bed, pipe in hand and notes scattered in front of him. A microscope sits on a stand near the bed. He is still wearing his lab coat.)

Narrator: (chuckling) Still haven't found that unified theory, eh, Professor?

(Now we see Blossom asleep in bed. Pan right to show her sisters, also sleeping. The three share a triple-width bed.)

Narrator: Ah, here's our girls, far away in a dreamy slumber.

(Bubbles is cradling her stuffed octopus. Buttercup throws punches at the air on the side of the bed. The camera stops on her.)

Narrator: (chuckling) Ha, ha! Go get 'em, Buttercup. Yes, everyone's resting up for a bright new day.

(Cut to a museum.)

Narrator: But wait. What's this? (Cut to the upper stories and turn down to a ground-floor window that has been cut through.) Someone in Townsville is not asleep.

(Inside, the camera pans quickly across a few galleries to the sound of stealthy footsteps. Cut to a security guard asleep at his monitoring station; the screen in front of him displays what appears to be a dog's-head statue on a pedestal. A flash of light hides the image for a moment, and a photograph of the scene is slipped into place. Close-up of the surveillance camera as a white-gloved hand attaches the photo and a voice gasps softly. Cut to a long shot of the statue and zoom in slowly, to the sound of more footsteps and this voice. It is low and sinister, and has perhaps a bit of a Japanese accent.)

Voice: Oh... Yes...

(Close-up of a tripwire surrounding the pedestal; the thief steps up to it. We see that this individual also wears white boots and a long blue tunic with a white belt. Two clamps are quickly set in place to keep the tension on to avoid triggering the alarm, and the thief clips the wire with scissors. Cut to the pedestal; the hand sprays powder into the air, revealing a net of laser beams surrounding the statue as well to trip an alarm if anything tried to touch the statue. It is pushed carefully out through the beams.)

(Long shot of one gallery; the thief's shadow is cast large on the back wall as he makes his way out. He has a long cape trailing in the air behind him and what appears to be a very large head. He chuckles to himself, then stops and snaps his fingers as if remembering something.)

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