The Bare Facts

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(Note: All lines marked with one apostrophe (') are delivered by someone off camera or in a voiceover.)

(Opening shot: the city skyline, seen through a window. The Mayor's reflection is visible.)

* Mayor: The city of Townsville... entirely mine! I love this job!

(His perspective of his office, approaching his desk chair, which has a set of steps next to it.)

* Mayor: There's just so much to love about being the Mayor! Meeting new people, visiting exotic places, soaring to new heights. And I love my office!

(Camera rotates to point across the desk on the end of this line. On it are a phone, a picture of the Mayor's wife, an intercom speaker, and some papers with a drawing on the top sheet. The hotline is on a nearby stand.)

* Mayor: I love my phone— (picking up receiver; a dial tone is heard) Hello, this is the Mayor. I'd like to order a pizza. Put it on my tab. (hanging up, laughing) I love the power! (picking up picture, holding a pen in one hand) Ah, my wife. I love my—uh, pen. (putting both down) And I just love the responsibility and the active decision-making that comes with being one man in charge of an entire city! (pushing intercom button) Uh, Ms. Bellum...what am I supposed to do?

Ms. Bellum: (over intercom) Good morning, Mayor. Well, you can start by signing some very important documents on your desk.

(Camera turns down slightly to show the papers; the drawing is of the Mayor as a bodybuilder, with the words "I'm Strong!" underneath. He continues to work on it as he speaks.)

* Mayor: Important documents? Where would those be? Important documents... (turning drawing over, reading) Oh! "Im-por-tant...nnnnnew...lllllaw." Hmmm! Wonder what this is all about. Well, it must be important. I'll sign it.

(He taps on the desk for a long moment, then activates the intercom again.)

* Mayor: Hi, Ms., uh, Bellum, ah—

Ms. Bellum: (over intercom, having anticipated this coming) M...A...Y...O...R.

* Mayor: Oh, uh, yes. Thank you, Ms. Bellum. (A crash of glass is heard o.c.) Oh, my!

(Pan quickly over to the office window, smashed.)

* Mayor: What's all that glass doing on the floor?

(Mojo Jojo pops into view at point-blank range. The Mayor cries out in surprise as he leaps high into the air and swings a club toward the camera. The screen explodes into stars briefly; when these clear, we see Mojo again, holding the club and grinning evilly. The image goes into and out of focus as the Mayor speaks, and the camera slowly tilts toward the floor.)

* Mayor: (woozily) Oh, it's you...You won't get away with this...Mojo Jo-

(He trails off, and the camera stops at Mojo's feet. Fade to black as the Mayor presumably passes out and falls unconscious. Several seconds pass before he speaks again, and it's still dark.)

*Mayor: Oh, my head! (He moans briefly.) Oh! Where am I? Why can't I see?...Wait! And why can't I move my arms and legs?!

*Mojo: Oh, shut up already!

*Mayor: Who's that? Is that you, Mommy?

*Mojo: No, dummy! It's me, the evil Mojo Jojo! I blindfolded and tied you up in order to keep the whereabouts of my secret lair a secret!

*Mayor: Oh! You mean the observatory on the top of the volcano in the middle of Townsville Central Park?

*Mojo: Ooh, shut up, I say! I say "shut up" because I am going to become powerful. But before I can become powerful, I must be taken seriously. And the only way to be taken seriously is to rule the city of Townsville as the Mayor! But in order for me to become Mayor, you cannot be Mayor, and that is why I had to strip you of your—

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