Super Zeroes

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(Opening shot: a city skyline at night, framed within a comic strip panel. Pan across slowly. None of the speaking characters will appear on camera until indicated.)

Blossom: (ominously) The metropolis of Citysburg is in trouble.

(The next panel shows a bank. In the one following this, the front wall has been blown out, with the sound effect "BOOM!" written in, Batman-style.)

Blossom: Boom!

(A masked robber emerges, carrying sacks of cash. Blossom chuckles evilly. Now we see the man looking over his shoulder at a white car with red racing stripes, bearing down on him. Blossom's next lines match the word balloons on the page.)

Blossom: "Huh?" (Overhead view of him and the car, which also has wings on the back.) "The Morality Mobile? No! It can't be!"

(The robber is confronted by a blond woman in a red-white-and-blue outfit similar to that of Wonder Woman. Again Blossom's words match those of the characters.)

Blossom: "Freedom Gal?!" (Cut to a panel of the woman, twirling a glowing lasso over her head.) "With my Lasso of Regret, you will feel bad about your actions and give up!"

(The lasso catches the robber. Sound effect: "SNAG!" Next panel: close-up of him, hanging his head in defeat.)

Blossom: "You're right. I'm sorry." (Final panel: Freedom Gal standing atop the defeated criminal.) "Justice is served!"

Buttercup: Boring! That's not hard at all. Check out...

(Pan slowly across a dark, decaying skyline - a different comic. This one features a caped man-beast leaping through the air.)

Buttercup: ..."Spore"!

(The full title of the strip: "Old McDonald's Angry Spore." Next panel: the creature, Spore, rising from a sea of flames.)

Buttercup: (voice rising) Out of the darkness he rises to kick butt!

(On the end of this, we see a panel in which Spore punches a gunman in the face. Effect: "AACK!" Next panel: a thug being kicked in the jaw. Buttercup's next line matches the effects in this one and the next.)

Buttercup: Kerak! (A beam of energy from his hand, with an off-panel explosion.) Blam!

(Cut to a panel in which Spore holds a large assault weapon. Word balloon: "It's show time!" As Buttercup continues, turn down to the bottom of the picture. Effect: "LOAD.")

Buttercup: (huskily) That hurt you more than it hurt me!

Bubbles: (sarcastically) Ooooh, I'm all tormented! Where's the magic? Where's the funny? You need to read...

(Now we see a strip very much in the style of Hello Kitty, drawn in black and white. The panel shows a rabbit in a hood and cape and a sea creature, perhaps a seal, licking a lollipop. The two walk happily along a trail in the park.)

Bubbles: ..."Chiisai Banii-Banii no Kawaii Bouken Monogatari"!

Blossom, Buttercup: In English!

Bubbles: Oh. Sorry. "The Great Funtime Adventures of...Bunny-Bunny and Friend"!

(First panel: the rabbit, Bunny-Bunny, looking alarmed. Its words are in Japanese. Bubbles translates.)

Bubbles: "Wareras! An obstacle is evident!" (A rock in the path, also alarmed.) "Whoa!" (The other creature, Wareras, tripping over it, then both of them speaking.) "Why wasn't shifting your decision?" (The rock addresses them.) "Being a rock, I am without movement."

(Bunny-Bunny looks puzzled in the next panel. Pan left slightly to show Wareras smiling. Now we see the rabbit lifting the rock.)

Bubbles: "I am filled with solutions!"

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