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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day, the camera zoomed in on the upper stories of a group of tall buildings.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! But you probably knew that.

(A colossal chicken stomps into view, its loud, raucous call echoing through the air. We see only its body and part of the neck, which is striped red and white; pull back to show the entire creature as screams rise from ground level. The creature's beak sports several sharp teeth, and it has a pair of curved horns atop its head. It looks rather bored. Cut to a panicked crowd; a woman screams.)

Woman 1: Monster!

Man 1: Power...

Woman 2: ...puff...

Man 2: ...Girls!

Woman 3: HEEELLLPPP! (Cut to the girls in flight.)

Blossom: Come on, girls, let's give this chicken a lickin' good!

(It turns and catches sight of them as they approach. Instead of attacking, though, it speaks up.)

Chicken: There seems to be a misun -

(It gets no further; they plow into it and send it sliding down the block to crash into a building. Buttercup flies to it and grabs one of the teeth.)

Chicken: Wait! Just hear me out!

(She rips the tooth loose, causing the creature to clap its wings to its mouth and cry out in pain. Blossom approaches the head and fires her eye lasers between the horns; now the chicken yells even louder.Bubbles moves in to deliver a punch to the belly. It doubles over, winded, and an egg shoots from its rear end. The girls regroup in midair.)

Blossom: Let's finish him off!

(They charge, one by one, and pummel the overgrown poultry from all angles; it yells out frantically under the assault for a few seconds before getting out any coherent words.)

Chicken: For mercy's sake, please...STOP!

(The girls are moving in for the coup de grace, but Blossom's face goes slack upon hearing this plea. She slams on the brakes and throws out her arms to stop her sisters.)

Blossom: Hold it!

(The chicken drops to its knees and starts sobbing pitifully; the girls trade a puzzled look. After some moments, Bubbles lands in front of it.)

Bubbles: You need to bre -

(Before she can finish the word "breathe," it screams in abject terror and huddles on the pavement, wings clutching its head. Blossom joins her sister on the ground.)

Blossom: Look, guy, relax. (Buttercup lands.) We're not gonna hurt you. (It can only babble.) Now why don't you calm down and tell me what's going on?

Chicken: (angrily) I just got evicted from my place on Monster Island. And I was trying to move into my new apartment here in Townsville.

Blossom: Apartment? Look, fella. I don't want to burst your bubble, but no monsters live in Townsville.

Chicken: No?


Chicken: Well, you might want to talk to you Mayor about that.

(Quick pan to a group of creatures, of all shapes and sizes, who are wading ashore at the waterfront. Some of them carry luggage. A couple of policemen are checking a list of names - seeing who is authorized to enter the city proper and who is not. Pan away from here over the water; there is a long line of other ugly customers that stretches all the way back to an island - identified as Monster Isle in "Super Zeroes.")

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now