Helter Shelter

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...where the best-laid plans of mice and men—or girls—can sometimes go awry.

(Fade to black.)

Professor: (drawn-out, roaring) BUBBLES!

(Pull back in quick steps. The black is the inside of his mouth; he stands at the front door of the girls' house, yelling up at the camera. We see the whole house, the subdivision, the city, and finally the entire planet from outer space. A corner of a piece of machinery is visible at left; pan slowly to this. It is a U.S. space satellite undergoing repairs thanks to the girls—Bubbles and Buttercup are using their eye lasers to do a little spot welding, while Blossom holds the satellite steady. They wear the spacesuits they used in "Uh Oh Dynamo.")

Blossom: (to Bubbles) Boy! What'd you do this time?

(Bubbles looks back at Earth worriedly. Dissolve to the living room; in the foreground, the Professor's hand is visible on the arm of a chair. He taps his finger impatiently. Bubbles pokes her head around the doorframe.)

Bubbles: Yes, Professor?

Professor: (from o.c.) Come here, Bubbles.

(She floats slowly into the room, looking around herself nervously, and lands in front of him. The camera turns up to his face, composed and very severe.)

Professor: Bubbles, what did we talk about yesterday? (His perspective of her.)

Bubbles: Uh...put away my toys after I play with them?

Professor: No, dear. The other thing.

Bubbles: Oh. (Cut to him; he stands up and walks o.c.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Bubbles... (Close-up of a pair of ratty tennis shoes on the floor.) ...what are these?

(Pull back; they stand on opposite sides of the footwear. Long pause.)

Bubbles: Shoes?

Professor: I know they're shoes, but what's in the shoes?

(She looks down o.c.; overhead view of the shoes. Two eyes look back from within each. Close-up of the shoes as two small mice pop their heads up. Bubbles leans into view.)

Bubbles: Why it's Mr. and Mrs. Squeakers. (They climb onto her head.) They live in your sneakers.

(Close-up of the Professor, somewhat nonplussed. Pull back to bring Bubbles into view.)

Professor: That's just the problem, Bubbles.

(During the next line, cut to the doorway—with Blossom and Buttercup poking their heads around the frame—and then back to him.)

Professor: This has been going on for a while, and I think we—

(He cuts himself off and looks toward the camera. Back to the doorway; the two girls duck out of sight.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Blossom, Buttercup, you need to hear this too.

(They float into the room. Cut to all four; Bubbles still has the mice on her head.)

Professor: Okay, now I know you mean well, but you must stop bringing all these animals home.

Bubbles: But it was only two little mice.

(He stands up and walks o.c. He stops at a door in the corner of the room and opens it. A herd of small animals—snakes, bats, turtles, ducks, and a few other exotic critters—runs out and swarms past the girls and onto (Y/N) as they then seemed comfortable on him (Y/N) barely moving as he then seemed to not be harmed at all by the animals. Bubbles giggles nervously; cut to her perspective of the others, all glaring crossly at her, and back to her. The smile fades, and the Professor kneels to talk to her.)

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