Silent Treatment

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Narrator: The city of Townsville has a mega-multiplex theater, (scene switches to a movie theater sign saying "Men 23"; camera zooms out, and the theater is crowded with many folks including (Y/N) and (B/N), (Y/N) is seen bored.) where everyone goes on a Saturday afternoon to see the very latest in state-of-the-art, widescreen motion picture entertainment (camera switches to a nearby silent theater with four people) That is, everyone except (camera zooms in on Professor Utonium and the Powerpuff Girls. Professor is looking at a sign, the ticket-seller is seen through the window as though he's sleeping, and the girls are less than pleased at coming to the silent theater) the Powerpuff Girls.

Buttercup: Aw, have a heart, Professor. Every kid in town is over at the multiplex and you decide to take us to a silent movie theater.

Blossom: Yeah, nobody cool ever comes here.

Bubbles: And the popcorn is as stale as their dumb old movies.

Professor: Silent films are where all movies come from.

Buttercup: But, Professor, we like our movies with color and sound.

Blossom: Yeah, and car crashes.

Bubbles: And explosions.

Girls: And in a really cool theater!

Professor: That's all well and good, girls, but you can go to the multiplex any day of the week. Today is the day you learn all about the history of motion pictures.

Girls: Oh, all right.

Professor: Oh, boy. It's a full house. Oh, this is gonna be so great. I'm totally excited. Aren't you? Oh, here's a good place to sit. Not too close and not too far. Now you just make yourselves comfortable and I'll get some popcorn. Don't go away now. And remember - these grand old films are where all movies came from.

(Once Professor is gone, old-time piano music can be heard, and the movie starts. The girls roll their eyes. The camera switches to the movie screen with a title card saying "Joseph M. Skunk presents Max Von Nitrate in For Once, He Is Speechless; Directed by Cecil B. Centipede")

Buttercup: (sarcastically) "Remember, girls, it's where all movies came from."

Blossom: (jokingly) No, they didn't. They came from cans!

[The girls laugh]

Blossom: What's this?

Buttercup: Looks like Mitch Mitchellson's house.

Bubbles: Only cleaner.

(A black shoe kicks the door open)

Blossom: Uh-oh.

Buttercup: Somebody forgot to knock. (A man with a curly mustache comes in, carrying a woman he's tied up) Whoa, who's that?

Blossom: The bad guy.

Bubbles: How can you tell?

Blossom: He's the one with the flycatcher for a moustache.

(The girls laugh again)

Blossom: And the girl is a damsel in distress.

Bubbles: Shh, he's speaking.

Buttercup: (reading title card) "At last, I have you in my power?" Oh, man, what a cornball.

Blossom: This is too much.

Buttercup: Yeah, look at him. Where does he get his moustache wax from, his ears?

(The girls laugh again)

Buttercup: Oh, no, now he's gonna go into a big spiel. (reading title card) "You can not escape my clutches! I am Max Von N...Von I..." (the title card cuts back to the film) Hey, wait a minute! I'm not done reading yet! (Max slaps his forehead in exasperation and pulls back the title card) "...Nitrate! I see all and control all!" Okay, I'm done.

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