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(Theme Song)

(In the Powerpuff Girls' house, in the living room, Bubbles is sitting in a toy chair in front of a toy table with her stuffed toys around her in chairs, (Y/N) is sitting next to her playing on his 3ds Bubbles gives (Y/N) a head pat as he smiles.)

Bubbles: (Holding a toy teapot pouring pretend tea into her toy cup) Glug, glug, glug, glug. I'm so glad you could join us for tea, Mr. Dog!

(The dog stuffed toy looks at her blankly)

Bubbles: Oh, I'm sorry, Doctor Dog!

Buttercup: (from oc) I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

Bubbles: Yeesh, I said I was sorry!

(Blossom and Buttercup's yelling at each other in their room cause a crash that Bubbles sees while hearing it and the scene switches to the room as the yelling continues, (Y/N) gets up as he puts headphones on Bubbles.)

Blossom: Buttercup, I've had it with you!

Buttercup: No, I've had it with you!

Bubbles: Hey girls! What's crack-a-lackin?

(Blossom and Buttercup both fire eye beams at each other, pushing each other against opposite walls of the bedroom)

Bubbles: Stop! Why are you fighting?

Buttercup: Blossom destroyed one of the only things I love in this world!

(The door closes to reveal something behind it)

Bubbles: That pile of trash?

Buttercup: That's not trash! That's my Space Tow Truck Series 1 Malibu Mayhem Racer! Do you even know how much that goes for on the black market? (Y/N) knows!

Blossom: Buttercup left her toy in the middle of the floor again so in the spirit of not living in a pig sty, I moved it to behind the door.

Bubbles: Well, that makes sense to me.

Buttercup: Behind the very door I use for my dramatic entrances!

(Cut to flashback of Buttercup using the door for dramatic entrances)

Buttercup: Buttercup in da house! --- Boo-yah! --- Grimbly bibbly --- Hot dog...cold cat!

Blossom: Bubbles, tell her she doesn't have to slam open the door every time she comes in.

Bubbles: Technically that's true and well...

Buttercup: Who died and made Blossom queen of doors?

Bubbles: I'm not sure...

Blossom: You need to learn some responsibility, Buttercup!

Buttercup: You need to leave my stuff alone, Blossom!

Blossom and Buttercup: Right, Bubbles?

Bubbles: (She is seen squished between Blossom and Buttercup's faces) Well...

Blossom: (She pulls on Bubbles' right arm) Bubbles is on my side!

Buttercup: (Doing the same thing, Buttercup pulls on her left arm) No, Bubbles is on my side!

Bubbles: I don't wanna take sides!

(Cut to the Professor, who is trimming the hedge)

Bubbles: Professor! Blossom and Buttercup are angry at each other. I'm usually great at cheering people up, but I don't know what to do now.

Professor: Oh, Bubbles, it's quite simple, all you have to do is... (A rainy storm cloud appears) (Depressed) ...give up. (Cuts a pink flower from the hedge)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now