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(Theme Song)

(A loud alarm bell rings while Duplikate rushes out of the bank with bags of money in her hands)

Duplikate: Whoa, that thing was so nice, I think I'll rob it twice!

(Duplikate drops the bags of money on the ground and targets the same bank and hits it with her beams from her hands making another one and robs it, where she rushes out with more sacks of money.)

Duplikate: (Puts money on the ground) Who says that crime doesn't pay?

Buttercup: We do!!

(Pan to the Girls as Duplikate gasps)

Blossom: Stop right there, Duplikate!! Your days of multiplying are numbered! Get it?

(Buttercup groans at Blossom after her joke.)

Duplikate: Alright, alright, alright! Let's fight!! Ha-ha! (Duplikate throws punches at the air. The Girls swoop in on her.)

Blossom: Okay, girls, execute Operation Cruise Control Crush!!

Bubbles and Buttercup: Right!! (They dash away. Blossom notices that the situation was getting worse)

Blossom: Huh? (she stops) No! What are you doing?

(Cut to Bubbles and Buttercup who both lift some blue cars in mid-air. They want throw the cars at their enemy)

Bubbles: Following the plan.

Blossom: No, you're not! The plan calls for red four-door sedans! Those are blue coupes!

Buttercup: Who cares? Just move and let us hurl rubber at this wacko!

Duplikate: Hey, girls, why don't you double down on that idea? Hah!

(She throws out a green laser from her hand, the laser hits the cars that were lifted by the 2 girls, more duplicated cars appear on them, makes them strained and crash down.)

Duplikate: This has been fun, girls, but I've got a date with a copy machine. Let's do this again sometime! (She turns and starts to run away.)

Blossom: No way, Duplikate. I hate sequels! (She takes a huge breath and blows out her ice breath at Duplikate and makes her fall down to the ground.)

(As Duplikate falls down, she shoots her duplicate laser at Blossom)

Duplikate: Ahhh!

(Blossom crashes into a clump of cars)

Buttercup and Bubbles: Ah! Blossom! (They start to dig Blossom out)

Duplikate: (Surprised) Oops! Time to split. Take two! (She runs into a lane and flees)

(Buttercup lifts Blossom out from the cars by grabbing her bow)

Buttercup: I found her.

Bubbles: (Off-screen) Really? Me too!

Buttercup: Huh?

(To our surprise, Bubbles found two "Blossoms" out. Obviously, the second and the third one were the real Blossom's duplicates)

Bubbles: Twice, actually.

(Cut to the house interior, we see Duplicate Blossom 1 was cleaning the windows, Duplicate Blossom 2 was using a sprayer on a plant, the real Blossom floats in using a vacuum.)

Blossom (Real): Hey, Blossom, why did the burglar mop the floor?

Blossom (Duplicate 1): I don't know, Blossom, why?

Blossom (Real): Because he wanted to make a clean getaway!

(Her words makes her duplicates laugh happily.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now