Stray Bullet

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville's... (The forest, at treetop level.) ...forest!

(As he continues, turn down to the ground, where a family is having a camping trip.)

Narrator: A place where the people of Townsville come with their families for some leisure time. (Pan through the forest. Other families are enjoying the day.) To become one with nature in the warm spring air.

(The last group seen consists of the Professor, Blossom, (Y/N), and Buttercup on a picnic. The camera continues past them to a group of resting butterflies. They flutter up when Bubbles drops into view among them, and then clear out as the camera turns up to a tree branch. A mother bird sits in its nest and sleeps.)

Narrator: And since it is spring— (A crackling makes its eyes pop open.) —it looks like the animals of Townsville have their own families to tend to.

(On the end of this line, the bird jumps out of the next, exposing three hatching eggs. A chick pops out of each, and the three start chirping.)

Narrator: Awww... (A raccoon and its two young, washing food at a riverbank.) Awww... (A pair of rabbits, with a few babies and many more popping up behind them.) Awww...

(A rather surly-looking pair of moose are seen next. The Narrator makes a strangled noise of shock and disgust, then resumes as an offspring pokes its head out from behind them.)

Narrator: Awww...

(On another tree branch, a squirrel carries an armload of nuts. Three young poke their heads out of the nearby leaves and are given one each on the next line. All four squirrels have very large brown eyes that resemble those of the girls.)

Narrator: Yes, all kinds of little animal families going about their little animal lives.

(The first two offspring start to eat as the parent scampers away. The third, however, bobbles its nut and drops it as a result of its fumbling. Climbing down the tree trunk to go retrieve its food, the animal runs through the underbrush and finds its meal in a small clearing. As it is about to chow down, though, a bird's shadow sweeps across it and a cry is heard from above. The squirrel looks up. Cut to an upward shot from the ground to show a large black shape circling above the treetops. Back to the animal, which drops the nut and ducks beneath some nearby ground cover. No sign of the predator now—after a moment, it peeks out. Pull back as the foliage is yanked away by a set of talons, exposing the squirrel fully. The shelter was a fallen bough. With this gone, it dashes away. So much for thinking they had initially avoiding being spotted by the predator after seeing it fly overhead.)

(Cut to a close-up of the squirrel, going like sixty, and pull back as the bird descends on it. It makes a grab that misses, but sends the animal tumbling across the grass. When it stops, it looks at the camera in frustration and doubles back. The predator—a hawk—rises into the sky, silhouetting itself in front of the sun, and then goes into a fast dive. Another grab at the squirrel is a near miss. The prey doubles back again and scuttles up a tree.)

(It peeks out from behind the trunk—nothing on that side. Looking in another direction, it sees nothing but clear sky there as well. Now it settles onto a branch and holds a "now what?" expression on its face for a moment. The hawk's cry startles it out of its rest. Pan quickly to a long shot of it on the end of another branch. Zoom in twice to a close-up, after which it spreads its wings and leaps. The squirrel makes a break for it, running along branches and just avoiding the hawk's swoops. When it reaches the end of one last branch, it launches itself into the air as if from a diving board and sails toward another limb. Cut to its perspective, on the way down from the top of its arc—but the hawk's talons snap into view and manage to grab it before it can make it the rest of the way and to safety.)

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