Forced Kin

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back a few blocks and pan slowly through the city.) Hmmm...nothing strange, weird, or out of the ordinary happening today.

(As the camera passes the library, a broad beam of energy strikes it from above. Stop when it is just out of view.)

Narrator: (startled) Huh?!

(Pan quickly back to the library, which is hit by a quick flash of the light and then disappears in a colossal explosion that turns the whole sky red. From here, quick pan to Pokey Oaks Kindergarten, where the sky is still clear. Close-up of one window, with Ms. Keane and several kids watching the explosion in wide-eyed shock—its reflection is visible in the glass. (Y/N) looks with shock and astonishment. Turn up to the roof as the girls smash out through it and fly off to investigate.)

(Cut to the mall, an energy beam falling on it from the heavens. The girls fly into view and up o.c. to trace it to its source. The camera turns up slightly to follow them, and an explosion and cloud of dust mark the end of the quaint and happy consumer palace. Cut to the girls in outer space, still following the beam up from Earth.)

Blossom: I see something... (They stop short.) ...huge!

(Cut to a pan across the surface of some metal-and-glass structure. It takes several seconds for the girls to come into view, floating at a distance from the camera and in front of an enormous glass dome. The camera pulls back in four large steps to show the entire thing, which turns out to be a truly gargantuan spaceship. At this distance, the girls are not visible even as specks. The craft has two front domes, positioned to either side of center.)

(Back to the scene. They float before the craft, their mouths hanging open and their eyes bugging out in complete disbelief. A round emitter dish extends from the underside and aims at them.)

Bubbles:'s gonna fire at us! What are we gonna do?!

Buttercup: There's only one thing we can do.

Blossom: Right! On my mark.

(On each of the next three lines, cut to a close-up of the speaker and pull back. Each has one hand raised and glowing in her own color.)

Blossom: Powerpuff...

Bubbles: ...Starburst...

Buttercup: ...Ray! (Pull back to frame all three.)

Girls: Go!

(They point their hands ahead of themselves, firing beams that converge on a point just o.c.)

Blossom: (suddenly surprised) Huh?!

(Cut to the emitter, from which a beam is emerging. Backup units on either side fire two additional beams, and the three merge into a single broad beam. On the girls' end—the camera pulled back to show their own beams joining in the same fashion, much as in the bridge scene of "Town and Out"—they are completely at a loss.)

Blossom: How did it know?!

(In a longer shot of the face-off, we see the two beams canceling each other out at a point about halfway between the girls and the emitter. After a moment, the ship's beam starts to overpower the girls' and push it back. When it hits them, there is a blinding flash and they are knocked screaming away to drift o.c. There is a crash of bodies against metal, and the camera cuts to the girls plastered against the surface of a satellite. After a moment, they come to and pull free for another go as the ship approaches.)

Buttercup: We gotta think of something fast!

Blossom: Wing plan R!

Bubbles: But we only use that when—

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now