The Mane Event

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, viewed from a distance.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville... (Pan across the suburbs to the girls' house.) ...where at this very moment, our girls are tangled in another hair-raising situation!

(Inside, the girls are asleep in their bedroom. Blossom is not wearing her hair bow; this will be true for the next two sequences. Sunlight steals across the scene, illuminating them. Close-up of the top of Bubbles' head, the rest covered by the blanket. She sits up, and we see that her hair is a total wreck. Cut to the other side of the bed, where a ragged patch of black can be seen. Buttercup wakes up yawning and patting her hair, which also looks like a mess. Pull back to bring the whole bed into a frame; the two look at each other with sleep-clouded eyes, then down at the top of Blossom's head between them.)

(Close-up of her as the covers slide away from her head and she slowly opens her eyes. Her sisters watch in disbelief as she sits up and loosens her hair, letting it fall free behind her. She swings her head from side to side, her hair looking quite presentable. The other two exchange a knowing glance while Blossom floats above them, still swinging that curtain of hair.)

(Dissolve to the girls, now clothed and cleaned up, at the end of the bed. Bubbles and Buttercup are brushing Blossom's hair.)

Bubbles: Oh, Blossom, your hair is sooooo beautiful.

(As she says this, cut to a close-up of the hair on her side and pan to the ends; they curl and shine when she brushes them. Cut to Blossom.)

Buttercup: (from o.c.) Yeah. All you need are a couple of barrettes— (Pan over to her; she snaps clips into place.) —and some of this for hold.

(She produces a can of hairspray and applies it, causing Blossom to cough.)

Buttercup: And there you have it. A racetrack with hairpin turns!

(She has constructed a figure-eight track on which several toy cars race around. Bubbles flies into view to look at it.)

Bubbles: That's stupid!

Buttercup: (pointing o.c.) Oh—

(Cut to a rabbit made of hair, with two hairclips for eyes and a barrette for a mouth.)

Buttercup: (from o.c.) —but Fluffy the Hair Bunny is cool? (Bubbles flies into view.)

Bubbles: (hugging rabbit) Yes. Blossom loves Fluffy. Don't you, Blossom?

(The end of the bed again. Bubbles and Buttercup are enjoying their creations, but Blossom looks quite annoyed. Quick zoom in on her.)

Blossom: CUT IT OUT!

(Each of the others is surprised by her reaction.)

Blossom: And give me a real hairdo.

Bubbles: (combing) Sure, sure. Just gotta comb out a few tangles.

Buttercup: (pulling, straining) And get rid of a...couple of...knots!

(She pulls harder and harder at a matted strand. Suddenly a flash of light fills the screen, and a loud ripping sound is heard. She finds herself staring at a large handful of red-orange hair. Bubbles floats into view next to her; both look very worried. The camera turns around, and we see the source of their anxiety: a large bald patch at the back of Blossom's head. Zoom in on this briefly, then back to the other two. Buttercup drops the hair.)

Bubbles, Buttercup: (clapping hands to mouths) Oh!

(They look at each other. The camera turns around again.)

Blossom: What's going on back there? (Buttercup appears with scissors.)

Buttercup: Oh—nothing. (Bubbles appears with scissors.)

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