Birthday Bash

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, with a bright sun smiling overhead.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(As he continues, turn down to street level and pan alongside the block, crowded with activity.)

Narrator: A bustling metropolis where the hustle and bustle of the city never ends.

(Cut to an empty intersection.)

Narrator: Day in, day out. (The sun sets and the moon rises.) But by night, these hardworking citizens—

(Cut to a boy asleep in a tire swing.)

Narrator: —tired— (A plumber sleeps under a sink he has been working on.) —drained and exhausted—

(A mechanic sleeps beneath a car he has been fixing; next, we see a dog asleep in a yard.)

Narrator: —fall deep into a nocturnal slumber land. (The dog's eyes pop open.) What is it, boy?

(It begins barking frantically; across town, others take up the refrain.)

Narrator: Who could be awake at this hour?

(Close-up of an attack dog with a spiked collar; pull back to show it within the fenced outer perimeter of the jail. Cut to the entrance, with two armed guards stationed at it; the doors open, and the camera moves quickly down the hall to a second door that is also being guarded. This opens as well; move down to a third door, this one without any guards like the previous two. The locking wheel spins, and the door opens to reveal a set of bars in front of a black void. These slide away like a jail cell door; the camera advances into the darkness.)

(After a moment, Mojo Jojo's face is partially illuminated.)

Mojo: Finally, after sitting and thinking for a very long time, I, Mojo Jojo— (leaning back o.c., holding a box forward) —have devised the perfect plan to crush the only obstacle keeping me from ruling the world!

(The box is made of steel and has a pink ribbon. On the end of the line, pull back to show him in a cell, with a tire swing hanging from the ceiling.)

Mojo: Once this gift is delivered tomorrow morning, all I have to do is wait!

(He holds the box above his head and laughs. Pan to the cell next to him; Princess Morbucks is inside. The cell contains a canopy bed and fancy furniture and wallpaper. Her cell looks like it was made a little more formal and proper for her compared to Mojo's while she sulks in prison for her own crimes. She is tying the ribbon on a round box. She wears the yellow Powerpuff dress and accessories she styled for herself in "Stuck Up, Up and Away.")

Princess: There! That's perfect! No one will be able to resist this perfect package. I'll have my people deliver it tonight, and by tomorrow— (holding the box up) —this Princess will be Queen!

(She laughs. Pan to the next cell on the block, which holds the Amoeba Boys.)

Bossman: So... (Close-up of him.) thought we were a joke, huh? Yes, you thought we were cute. Well, now what do you think of us?

(Pull back; Skinny Slim and Tiny, a.k.a. Junior, is next to him. He holds a present of his own.)

Junior: Uh...hey, Boss, who you talkin' to?

Bossman: Uh...oh! Uh, I'm, uh, just practicing my speech for when we take over Townsville.

Slim: really think our plan is gonna work?

Bossman: It's not only gonna work, but it's's gonna... (He fumbles for words.)

Junior: Work.

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