Get Back Mojo

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the morning.)

Ms. Keane: (voice-over) The city of Townsville is a place where you can be anything you want to be. (Cut to the exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.) And that's what we'll be learning about today on Career Day.

(Dissolve to her at the front of the classroom, to the sound of applause. On the chalkboard behind her are the words "Career Day Today" in big printed letters. Also on it are a smiley face and Buttercup's name with a check mark next to it, in the upper left corner.)

Ms. Keane: Good morning, boys and girls, and good morning to our parents too.

(Her students are seated on the floor, as are their parents. The only one without a parent is (Y/N) who sits alone.)

Kids, parents: Good morning, Ms. Keane!

Ms. Keane: Boys and girls, we're going to be learning about careers today. A career is what you do for a living when you're all grown up. And to help us out, some special grown-ups, your parents, are going to talk to us about what they do for their career.

(Near the end of this line, the camera shifts to show near her a squat little boy and his equally squat father, who wears a white apron and a paper cap - he looks very much like the hot dog vendor from "Insect Inside." From here, cut to a few other parent-child pairs, including Mary and her mother and Hanout and his father.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) You'll see that different grown-ups have chosen different careers. (Back to her. She leans down toward the kids.) It all depends on what you want to do. Now, boys and girls, do any of you know what you want to do when you grow up? (raising her hand) Raise your hands if you do.

(The hands of several kids and a couple of the parents go up.)

Ms. Keane: Well! A lot of you have an idea for what you want to do, and that's great. (Close-up of a few puzzled kids, She continues o.c.) And many of you don't know yet, and that's okay too. (Long shot of her in front of the group.) Maybe after hearing some of our parents talk about what they do, you guys'll be inspired to make some career choices of your own. Our first parent is -

(Dissolve to the exterior of the school.)

Voice: (Indian accent, slow and deep) Boys and girls...

(Cut to Hanout's father at the front of the room - he is the speaker.)

Hanout's father: ...hello. My name is Mr. Anoush. (Close-up of Hanout. He continues o.c.) I am Hanout's father. (The boy beams. Back to him.) I work in insurance. My company insures buildings in Townsville against damage. (Pause. He blinks during this, possibly knowing that the Girls keep him very busy with all the damage wrought on Townsville during their various battles.) I am a veeeeeery busy man. (Applause.)

Ms. Keane: Well, thank you, Mr. Anoush. And next up is...

(Cut to the Professor, seated in a small chair next to the girls.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) ...Professor Utonium. (Applause.)

Bubbles: You're up, Professor!

(He gets up and steps to the front of the class.)

Professor: Um, hello. I'm Professor Utonium. (gesturing to girls) And I am Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup's, uh, father. And, uh, creator. (They beam at him. He clears his throat.) I'm a scientist. I invent things. In fact... (reaching o.c.) ...I brought in something I recently invented to show you.

(He pulls a squarish object covered with white cloth into view. The cart's wheels shake and grind against the floor as he does so. Close-up of it. He has one hand on the cloth.)

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