Boy Toys

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! Another joyful, loving, playful day in a caring, good old-fashioned, happy-go-lucky, just-getting-along kind of town.

(Cut to a bridge clogged with traffic. Princess Morebucks's limousine is part of the jam.)

Narrator: With the occasional traffic due to superhero fighting.

Princess: (from inside limo) Now look, monkey butt, it's real simple.

(Close-up of the front grille; during the next line, cut to her in the back seat. She wears her street clothes and is yelling into a cell phone; zoom in on her.)

Princess: (from inside limo) Take your cheap, good-for-nothing, lazy soy latte, honey, and leap out a high window, 'cause you're breathing my air and you are fired! (now' in view; she groans and lowers the phone) Man, my mom can be such a pain in the butt.

(She listens to the car horns honking around her and addresses herself toward the driver's seat.)

Princess: Carmichael, why are we not moving?!

(Cut to just beside the driver, who stares ahead wearily: this is Carmichael. Behind him, the partition has been raised to block off the passenger compartment. It is translucent, so Princess can still be seen.)

Princess: (through glass) Carmichael!

(Back to her; she groans and presses a button on the armrest beside her.)

Princess: Never mind, I'll look for myself.

(A slot of sunlight casts itself onto the seat and widens - she has opened the limo's sunroof. She reaches to catch hold of the opening and hoist herself up; cut to just outside it as she gets her head in the clear. High in the air, at a distance, a jumble of colored streaks flash around and around to the sound of blows landing.)

Princess: (squinting up, shading eyes) What is that? The Powerpuff Girls?

(Three of the streaks shoot toward the limo; she has just enough time for one shocked gasp before they plow into the vehicle causing it to explode and send up clouds of smoke that fill the screen. These clear partially to leave her near the camera, her back to us, and three silhouettes that match the Rowdyruff Boys still within the haze before her.)

Princess: Why, look who it is - the Powerpuff Girls. I am so gonna sue your -

(The rest of the smoke dissipates to reveal the Rowdyruff Boys, lying stunned amid the wreckage.)

Princess: (puzzled) Wait. You're not the Powerpuff Girls. (The boys get to their feet.)

Brick: We're the Rowdyruff Boys, Toots!

Butch: We were fightin' the Powerpuff Girls and decided to take a break - in your car!

Brick: Which reminds me, idiots... (Boomer and Butch glare at him.) ...we forgot to kick some Powerpuff butt!

(Overhead view of the smashed limo.)

Brick: (as the boys take off) Let's go!

(Close-up of Princess. She steps forward a bit and stares openmouthed into the air, watching the boys return to the fight. Now she gets out and approaches Carmichael, whose jaw also hangs slack as he looks through the broken windshield.)

Princess: Oh my gosh! This is perfect! Carmichael, watch the car.

(Follow her as she runs behind the limo and pops the trunk. Inside is all her equipment: the jet thrusters that fit on her back, fuel canisters, grenades, ammunition, blasters, repair tools, the works. Close-up of the backpack portion of the thrusters, the blasters, and one jet exhaust nozzle, then back to her. A broad, evil smile spreads itself from ear to ear, and she quickly suits up in her faux-Powerpuff outfit and raises her weapons.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now