Secret Swapper of Doom

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(The beginning scene starts at The Utonium Residence. Cut to the Professor inside. He is sorting out things.)

Professor: (humming) Hm-hm-hm, hm-hm-hm. Blast from the past! (He moves a pair of yellow jeans with pink jewels decorated on the sides into a different box. Then, he pulls out a beat-up teddy bear.) Oh, Teddy! (It squeaks) Mm-hm... hm-hm-hm, hm-hm-hm, oh! New Kids On The Street action figures! Why did I ever put you away?

(Note: It is New Kids On the Block, not New Kids on the Street.)

(Blossom flies into view, with Bubbles and Buttercup trailing behind her. Hearing her voice, the Professor puts the action figures away.)

Blossom: Professor, The Powerpuff Girls are ready for school! Except for Buttercup, who didn't brush her teeth.

Buttercup: Hey, come on! I'm a superhero. I don't need to brush my teeth. (With this she reveals her teeth.They are full of dirt, and are greenish-yellowish. One of her teeth falls out.) Uhh... That was a... baby tooth. I'll be right back! (She flies upstairs while her sisters look at her in shock and confusion.)

(Bubbles flies up to the Professor. He is clearly thinking-he has his tongue sticking out.)

Bubbles: Watcha doin' Professor?

Professor: Oh, just going through some old stuff.

(Bubbles picks up a book from in the first box. It is red with a piece of paper taped onto it.)

Bubbles: What's this? "Prof. U's Private Journal." Who's Prof. U?

Professor: Me, Bubbles! That's what the cool kids used to call me. You're holding my old journal. It's where I used to write down my thoughts and secrets.

Bubbles: Ohhhh. Sounds private! Can I read it?

Professor: No, Bubbles. It's personal.

(Buttercup flies back into the living room.)

Buttercup: Ahh. Spic and span. Thanks for letting me borrow your toothbrush, Bloss.

Blossom: What? Hey!

(Cut to the front door of the Utonium Residence. The Professor opens the door. He pushes the girls out midair.)

Professor: Okay girls, have a good day at school!

Bubbles: Can I read your journal now?

Professor: (The Professor grabs it back. Sing-songy, he says) No.

(The scene cuts to Midway Elementary School. A bell is ringing. It is 8:00 A.M. Chatter fills the hallway of Midway Elementary as the scene changes to inside the school. The Powerpuff Girls walk into view. Blossom is holding 3 books ahead of her. One red and orange, one blue with a yellow stripe, and one purple. Buttercup comes after her, wearing cool sunglasses with green frames and holding her backpack. Bubbles follows Buttercup, last. She is looking at a pop-quiz from class.)

Blossom: Glad I was ready for that pop-quiz today!

Bubbles: I wasn't.

(We get a look at her pop-quiz. It is a spelling quiz. The words are "kitten, fashion, uncle, and failure" The rest of the words are cut off.)

Buttercup: Pop-quizzes will sneak up on ya, Bubbs. It's in the name. You gotta be like me! I'm always prepared for anything.

(Buttercup opens her locker. After she does, confetti is thrown all over her. Blossom and Bubbles giggle at this. Buttercup shakes the confetti off.)

Buttercup: Bleh! Ugh! I wish I knew who was pranking me!

Classmate: I can help you out with that. Meet: My secret swapper. It can tell you the future.

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