Live & Let Dynamo

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Street level; people are fleeing in terror.) What's this? People running for their lives? (bored) Yeah, yeah, what else is new?

(The panicked crowd is seen for several more seconds, after which the camera cuts to the corner of one building. A huge Powerpuff foot, many times normal size, slams down next to it and causes the camera to shake briefly. The foot is then lifted to kick the structure aside; pull back to a long shot of the area. The assailant is none other than Dynamo, the fighting robot built by the Professor in "Uh Oh Dynamo.")

Narrator: What the— (It whirls to glare at us.) The Powerpuff Dynamo?!?

(The robot hunches down. Overhead view of several city blocks; it comes up into a gargantuan spinning kick that levels four of them. Now it goes to work destroying other buildings as onlookers scream in terror. It stops, tilts its head forward to take in the sight, and starts to shoot lasers from its eyes as the girls do—this is an offensive tactic it did not exhibit the first time around. Dynamo turns its head to strafe a larger area.)

Narrator: Someone must have stolen it!

(Several buildings are sliced through by the beams; their top sections slide free and tumble to the ground as people run for cover. Now Dynamo stomps through an intersection, leaving deep footprints in the pavement as it goes; cut to inside an office, whose occupants stare aghast at the passing robot's face. Out in the street, a car skids to a stop in order to avoid crashing into one of those giant feet, and Dynamo fires its eye lasers again to level more of the architecture. Overhead view of the city, tilting down from the buildings' upper stories to bring the rampaging machine into view.)

Narrator: Oh, the horror!

(It stops in front of one particularly tall edifice, glares up at it, and breaks cleanly through with one mighty metal punch. The building topples like a mammoth domino and crashes down in a cloud of flames. The people under a powered barrier as we see (Y/N) making barriers around people while healing some kids next to him as they are injured. Dynamo towers above the streets and looks around for more targets.)

Narrator: Who can stop this carnage?

(During this line, it fires the eye lasers yet again; cut to an overhead view of the city, the camera pointing obliquely along one of the main thoroughfares. The beams hit at several points; tilt up slightly to follow these. Next, cut to the girls in flight through the city. A missile speeds along, trying to catch up to them, but a quick swerve around a building is enough to fake it out.)

Narrator: The Powerpuff Girls!

Blossom: I can't believe the Professor didn't destroy this thing.

Bubbles: You know the Professor.

Buttercup: And now someone steals it? Typical.

Blossom: This time we finish it!

Bubbles, Buttercup: Yeah!

(They fly over the badly damaged skyline toward the metallic colossus. It stands ready; close-up of the face and tilt up to the hair bow, which doubled as a pair of scissors when the girls took the robot out the first time. Now, however, many small hatches open up around the edges of the bow—and a multitude of missiles is launched from these. The one that chased the girls a moment ago was of this type.)

Blossom: Evasive action!

(The girls scatter to avoid the incoming salvos, which streak the screen with exhaust fumes. Bubbles flies down one street as the shots hit around her on both sides. Overhead view; the strikes are gradually getting closer, and one missile homes in on her from above and nails her. The explosion fills the screen, hiding her from view.)

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