Impeach Fuzz

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(Close-up of the Mayor's fist in the air.)

Mayor: (from o.c., echoing) I have a dream!

(Back to the skyline, turning down toward the street.)

Narrator: A city of growth and prosperity.

(Extreme close-up of the Mayor's face, turning up toward his raised hand.)

Mayor: (echoing) Of the people, for the people, and by the people!

(Pan along the skyline.)

Narrator: A city run by one man.

(Pan slowly across the Mayor\s face.)

Mayor: (echoing) That we, the citizens of Townsville...

(The steps of Townsville Hall, turning up toward its dome.)

Narrator: A man of strength and integrity.

(Close-up of the Mayor from behind, turning up toward his head. He is at a podium.)

Mayor: (echoing) ...promise to uphold the virtues of our city.

(The dome, seen from between other buildings.)

Narrator: Yes, this city. (Zoom in on the dome.) Our city. Run by... (Close-up of the Mayor at the podium.) ...the Mayor!

Mayor: And furthermore...(raising two "V for Victory" hand signs) Ich bin ein Townsviller!

(Pull back to the sound of clapping. He stands on his desk in the office, facing Ms. Bellum.)

Ms. Bellum: Uh...that was quite a speech, Mayor. (She stops clapping.) But why did you even bother writing it? No one's running against you. No one ever does.

Mayor: Oh, my dear girl! If George Washington used snails instead of greyhounds to pull his sled, there'd be no trees for Honest Abe to shove from the highest mountain.

Ms. Bellum: What?

Mayor: That's right! (jumping down, crossing to her) I'm a fierce political creature, and I never give up the fight. Besides, I love to kiss all of those adorable babies! (He crooks his arms as if cradling an infant and kisses the air loudly.)

(Balloons and streamers rain down, and the scene changes to a large campaign banner strung up outside: "VOTE FOR MAYOR FOR MAYOR.")

Mayor: (from o.c.) Vote for Mayor for Mayor! (Pull back; he is stumping in front of a crowd of apathetic people.) Vote for Mayor for Mayor! Vote for Mayor for Mayor!

(Pan across the city as he repeats this 'slogan' over and over; the farther out we go, the more his voice echoes. Stop on the forest outside Townsville and zoom in; the trees part to reveal Fuzzy Lumkins' shack. Inside, Fuzzy is asleep in his bed. He suddenly wakes up, looking very angry. Back to the Mayor.)

Mayor: Vote for Mayor for Mayor!

Fuzzy: (from o.c., echoing) SHUT UP!! (Pan to him, now standing in the park.) I says, shut up!

(Quick series of close-ups of surprised onlookers, including the Talking Dog and the Mayor himself, then pull back to show Fuzzy facing the Mayor from the back of the crowd.)

Man: (with mounting enthusiasm) "Shut up"?..."Shut up"?..."Shut up"??! Yeah! I like it! "Shut up"! I like it a lot! "Shut up"! What an excellent campaign!

Talking Dog: Yes, yes, very concise.

Woman 1: And straightforward.

Woman 2: He's got my vote!

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