The Trouble with Bubbles

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(Opening shot: Bubbles typing on her computer)

Bubbles: (on her computer) Almost done! Almost done!

(Cut to the computer, Bubbles successfully coded something. When it starts rendering, the camera pans to the 3D printer. It's revealed to be a character from Space Towtruck. Cut to Bubbles celebrating her success)

Bubbles: Yes! 3D print Baybee Bunny was a total success!

(Zoom out to reveal the Professor with a stack of books)

Professor: Bubbles, what did I tell you? No fooling around on the computer box until you've finished your homework.

(He drops the books onto the table Bubbles' computer is on. He leaves the room.)

Bubbles: But Professor! I've got to code all the 337 characters in the Space Towtruck Megaverse!

(A box drops onto the table Bubbles' computer is on. Blossom flies in.)

Blossom: Bubbles, your party was two weeks ago. These thank-you cards aren't going to sign themselves.

Bubbles: But I already made thank-you cards.

Blossom: These are "thank you for reading my thank-you cards" thank-you cards. Etiquette is important!

(Bubbles sighs and picks up a card. Buttercup flies in with a pig on her head.)

Buttercup: BUBBS! (Bubbles screams, startled) Keep an eye on this greased pig for me. (She throws a pig at Bubbles)

Bubbles: But Buttercup, I have all this other stuff I gotta do!

(Buttercup stares at Bubbles from the bedroom doorway, then slowly flies to the left without saying anything, leaving Bubbles by herself)

Bubbles: Urgh! I can't do this all on my own. I need help. Hmmm...ah! I know what to do! (She goes back to the computer and begins typing)

(Later at the girls' house, Blossom, (Y/N), and Buttercup are watching a TV show about space alien encounters.)

TV Announcer: Today, on Alien Counters Unclassified...could someone you know be an alien? (The announcer holds a microphone up to a farmer guy.)

Farmer Guy: Um, them ding-dong aliens abducted my favorite cow, Maurice. And he ain't been the same ever since. (The cow looks at him and then moos disapprovingly.)

TV Announcer: These are the signs...

Farmer Guy: He's suddenly super organized! (The words "Super Organized" show up in big letters) He's done everything on his to-do list! (The words "Completing To-Do List" show up in big letters) Before you knew it, he was vacuuming the ceiling! (The words "Vacuuming the Ceiling" show up in big letters)

TV Announcer: If you see your loved ones doing any of these things, they may have been abducted by aliens!

(Cut back to Blossom and Buttercup who are currently still watching the TV. Buttercup is watching with interest, while Blossom is sitting on the couch looking bored and (Y/N) is watching flipping a coin in the air and catching it.)

Buttercup: Whoa!

Blossom: This learning network really has gone downhill after it lost its funding.

(Doubles appears, carrying the pig Buttercup had given her, which is now cleaned and instead of brown, now a pretty pink)

Doubles: Hey guys! Here's your pig, Buttercup!

Buttercup: Wow! A washed, buffed, and fluffed piggy! (She takes the pig from Bubbles.)

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