I See A Funny Cartoon in Your Future

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day. The Narrator sounds very much like he would if he were filling that role on The Bullwinkle Show; he keeps this tone throughout the episode.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, where it's a petty world out there, and petty crime is at an all-time high. (Cut to a street corner; a police car rolls past, its siren blaring.) Which leads us to the question of who, who could be picking the pockets of the unsuspecting citizens of Townsville?

(On this last, cut to the exterior of a townhouse. The door and windows are somewhat above the ground, and the camera is at their level. A female voice with a heavy Gypsy accent speaks up.)

Madame Argentina: Why, me, of course.

Narrator: Who said that?

(A hand is lifted into view to mark the source of the voice - just below camera level, apparently a very short woman.)

Madame Argentina: (from o.c.) Down here.

(Turn down to the sidewalk to show her in close-up: a short, large-nosed Gypsy with large gold hoop earrings and a matching belt. A valise sits on the ground next to her.)

Narrator: You?

Madame Argentina: Yes, me, Madame Argentina, psychic, medium, and just plain all-around baddy. (Pull back; a large bird - duck or goose - stands beside her.) And this is my sidekick, Fred.

Fred: Hello. (He and Madame Argentina fold their arms with smug, shut-eyed looks on their faces.)

Narrator: Well, it looks as if the profits aren't enough for this prophet. (Both nod.) She's using fortune-telling to take fortunes.

Madame Argentina: Ain't I a stinker?

(Cut to an archetypical 19th-century wealthy businessman, in appropriate clothing complete with top hat. He stands in his home and shows his turned-out pockets to the camera worriedly.)

Narrator: I think Phil Anthropist, the wealthy charitable donor, would agree with that.

(Cut to a distraught Japanese fellow. Clad in a business suit, he stands in his office and holds up an empty briefcase.)

Narrator: And Sosumi Blind, the famous Japanese lawyer, would too.

(A shortish elderly man glares toward the camera. He holds a large horseshoe magnet and steams silently; behind him are crates of these items.)

Narrator: Not to mention Mr. Poehler Fields, the magnet magnate.

(Now all three stand together and look angrily at us; there is nothing in their hands, and Anthropist's pockets are back in.)

Narrator: For these are but a few of Townsville's citizens who've been robbed by this elusive and rather vertically-challenged psychic, (An issue of the Townsville Tribune is seen with the headline next stated.) which is why the newspapers this day read, "Small, Medium, at Large!"

(Cut to MA and Fred, fleeing their previous surroundings, and pan to follow.)

MA: And which is why I have to constantly relocate. (Pull back; they pass through the city's gate and emerge in an open field.) Oh, they'll never find me on the outskirts of town.

(The two stop; she digs around in her valise and sets out a small table with a crystal ball on it.)

MA: And now, if you'll excuse me, (pulling out a large umbrella) I am expecting a client (She opens it.) for a 4:00 appointment.

(From beneath the open canopy, tent walls drop down to hide the pair from view. Over the opening is a sign that says "PSYCHIC READING." From here, cut to the gate. A limousine has pulled out through it and parked in the field; pan along its length to the front end, where the license plate and a top-hat hood ornament mark it as the Mayor's car. A four-note horn blast is heard - the one often used as a sound effect on The Bullwinkle Show. The limo is parked next to the tent.)

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