Coupe D'Etat

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Narrator: The city of Townsville, where the Professor, is completing as next big project, replacing the wheelshield lifers on his car

(Next stop the Professor's car inside the GR14 Store. the Professor walks into the GR14 Store Professor new car Cu Storm Rimz Spoiller aero Xi Ground FX Rude Dawg & Mr. Good Pipe. Professor buying all of this items. and the PPGs House and the Professor walks.)

Professor: Girls, come to garage quickly. You've gotta see my newest greatest invention. Girls I give you...

(New K.A.R.R.)

Professor: K.A.R.R. Pretty tight huh.

Blossom: That's great Professor, you um souped off your car. Um What's for dinner?

Professor: No No No No No, you don't understand this isn't any car. It's K.A.R.R., Kinetic Automatic Robotic Roadster. It has all the latest investments, 7 Function RC Control Steering Wheel. 80 Terra-byte Hard Drive with a 15" Flat Panel Display. and a Programmable 6-Cup Latte Maker. (He opens his K.A.R.R. Door.) Oh and it has multiple configurations. (He closes his K.A.R.R. Door.)

(Steering wheel clicks Transforming into the T.A.N.K.)

(Steering wheel clicks Transforming into the P.L.A.N.E. we have 2 Jets.)

Professor: Ho Ho, and this one's, really cool.

(Steering wheel clicks Transforms into a R.O.B.O.T. we have 2 Jets.)

Professor: A Giant Fighting Robot.

Buttercup: Fighting Robot, for what.

(Turn it back to normal K.A.R.R.)

Professor: So all the nerds out there well think I'm cool. and here's the best part. It talks.

K.A.R.R.: Hello Powderpuff Girls. How are you?

Blossom: Um, actually it's PowerPuff Girls?

K.A.R.R.: Of course, how adorable,

(K.A.R.R. and the Professor is Laughing and the Girls was Angry too.)

Buttercup: Enough talking. Let's go for a ride.

K.A.R.R.: (laughs) Not so fast. The number of safety belts are not officiant for the 3 of you.

Professor: Besides, K.A.R.R. and I need to take this first run alone.

(The Girls left behind! I'm lonely. K.A.R.R. with Car Commercial the Professor is running with the Flowers and the K.A.R.R. the Professor is picking up the Flower taking out of the Petals K.A.R.R. is Flying the Petals next to the K.A.R.R. and the Professor rubs his Tummy K.A.R.R. is in the End? we at PPG's House The Girls sitting down the couch watching the Television? he opens the door.)

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup: Professor!

(The Professor, is wearing a suit, and a hair,)

Professor: Oh, hi girls.

(Closes the door and the Professor is going to upstairs)

Bubbles: Professor.

Professor: Yeah!

Bubbles: We're we just wondering um. If I could, read us the bedtime story.

Professor: Uh, not tonight girls. I uh, need to rest,

(The Professor is going to upstairs!)

Buttercup: Professor doesn't care about us anymore since that stupid K.A.R.R. came along.

Blossom: I know, I think it's time we had a little chat with Mr. K.A.R.R.

(Open the garage door, so the Girls with Mr. K.A.R.R.. the Girls walks slowly the K.A.R.R. turns on the eyelights.)

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