Something's A Ms.

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The City of Townsville!

(The exterior of Townsville Hall.)

Narrator: The setting of Townsville.

(A couch in the Mayor's office.)

Narrator: The settee of Townsville.

(On that cue, The Mayor walks into view, hops onto the couch, and pulls out a compact disc.)

Narrator: The CD of Townsville.

(Close-up of a record player turntable. The disc is set on this, and the needle is lowered. Pull back to show the player as an old Victrola, the needle screeching and squeaking against the plastic since this was not one of the old phonograph records it is used to playing. Pull back across the office. The Mayor snaps his fingers to the "beat", completely oblivious to how the CD is not a perfect match for the Victrola's design as a phonograph record player and is probably ruining the disc in the process with all the scratches the needle is carving on it.)

Narrator: The pity of Townsville.

(Ms. Bellum steps into view, her back to the camera. Cut to in front of her, at the office door, and turn up from her feet. She has one hand on her hip.)

Narrator: The pretty of Townsville.

(Back to the couch. She walks into view next to the Mayor, who is still snapping away, oblivious to her presence in the room at this point or the continued damage the CD is taking on the Victrola.)

Mayor: Ooh, mama! (She sits down.) This techno music is dope.

(Ms. Bellum produces a makeup case, takes out a tube of lipstick, and touches herself up a bit. Of course, we do not see the end result. She puts the case aside, then crosses her legs and clears her throat—softly at first, then louder, leaning toward him. He pays no attention, still snapping away to the "beat".)

Mayor: A glass of water'll clear that right up. (She reaches past him o.c.)

(When she speaks, her voice takes on a low, seductive tone—an urbane Mae West, perhaps.)

Ms. Bellum: Let's shut this off, shall we? (The squeaking CD stops.) Ahh! (pulling him toward herself) Much better. Don't you think?

Mayor: Uh, sure. (Pause.) Ms. Bellum?

Ms. Bellum: Yes? (He tugs at his collar.)

Mayor: Is there something on your mind?

Ms. Bellum: Oh, I'm so glad you asked. Could I take the rest of the afternoon off?

(This request startles him considerably. Close-up of him.)

Mayor: The rest of the afternoon? I don't know, Ms. Bellum. There's so much to do, and so little time.

(She leans into view facing him, her hair blocking him from sight. We hear a big sloppy kiss being planted. She leans o.c., and he now has the print of her lips on the end of his nose.)

Mayor: Okay. (Pull back.)

Ms. Bellum: (walking o.c.) Thank you, Mayor. I'll see you later. (The door slams o.c.)

(He stays on the couch. Pull back across the office. The only sound is the ticking of a clock. Through the window, afternoon fades to night and the room darkens. After some moments, the door bursts open o.c. and Ms. Bellum runs into view. Her come-hither air is replaced by total panic.)

Ms. Bellum: Mayor!

Mayor: (slyly) Back for seconds, Ms. Bellum?

Ms. Bellum: No, Mayor. I've got to call the girls. (Quick pan to the hotline. She picks it up and speaks into it.) Girls, Townsville Bank has just been robbed.

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