Candy is Dandy

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, with the sun shining in a clear blue sky.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! The sweetest city of them all.

(An enormous beast rears up. It has one eye, a huge mouth, and pincers for hands. It roars and begins eating the buildings; inside one of them, a man screams as the tongue pokes through the wall, throwing spit everywhere.)

(Close-up of the hotline, buzzing. Blossom answers it; her sisters are in the background. The three are in their bedroom.)

Blossom: Yes, Mayor?

(Cut to his office, which is shaking with the monster's footsteps. He is at the hotline.)

Mayor: Powerpuff Girls, the city's being devoured!

(The exterior of Townsville Hall, whose dome the monster is licking.)

Mayor: (from inside) And whatever it is, it's very close!

(Inside the office again; a pincer pokes through the ceiling. Cut back and forth between here and the bedroom.)

Mayor: It's in the office—

Blossom: What?

Mayor: Okay, now there's a giant claw—it's very big and it's snapping.

Blossom: Hold tight, Mayor. We're on our way! (They take off. We see an empty corner of the office.)

Mayor: (from o.c.) Okay, I'll hold.

(As he speaks, the pincer lifts him into view; the phone cord snaps. Outside view of him being hauled out through a hole in the dome.)

Mayor: Say, I can see my house from he—oh! (A gust of wind blows his hat off; he continues sadly.) Oh, my hat.

(The girls fly toward Townsville Hall.)

Mayor: Hey, look, it's the Powerpuff Girls! (away from the receiver, waving) Hi, girls! I'll talk to you later; I'm on hold.

(They hit the monster squarely in the eye, causing it to roar in anger. It begins swinging at them, still holding the now-screaming Mayor. Bubbles catches hold of that arm.)

Bubbles: Hold on, Mayor!

Mayor: Okay.

(She holds the arm immobile as Blossom and Buttercup dash in. The monster takes a double punch to the eye; cut to inside the Mayor's office, looking at the doors. They open to reveal him on the other side, his arms raised in triumph and that pincer still clamped on him.)

Mayor: I'm alive! (Side view as he walks in and pushes the pincer to the floor.) Oh my, that was quite the predicament. (sitting at the desk, facing camera) First, there's a giant monster eating the city, then I'm put on hold forever— (slamming head on the desk, pounding in frustration) —and now my hat is gone!

Blossom: (from o.c.) Oh, Mayor...

Mayor: (lifting his head) Yes?

(Camera turns around to show the girls in the office. Blossom produces the Mayor's hat from behind her back and holds it up. A choir of angels begins to sing, and a ray of sunlight strikes the hat. Close-up of the Mayor.)

Mayor: My hat!

(Side view of him, now on top of his desk and kneeling down at its edge. Blossom floats into view and places the hat on his head. He stands up and begins to dance.)

Mayor: Whoo-hoo! Look at me, huh? (His perspective of them.) Thanks to you girls, Townsville is safe. (Back to him, now seated.) And my hat is back in its proper place. How can I ever repay you for saving the day?

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