The Rowdyruff Boys

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, under a clear sky.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(The sound of a weapon firing is heard, and a crash shakes the camera. Turn quickly down to the street.)

Narrator: under attack by Mojo Jojo!

(A car parked at the curb is blasted by a beam from o.c., and Mojo leaps into view, carrying an oversized laser cannon and laughing evilly as he tears Townsville asunder. He destroys a bus as people run screaming away from it, then takes down a building and a statue of the Mayor on horseback. Next, he targets a row of buildings and wipes them out one by one. When the dust clears, we see the girls in flight.)

Narrator: Go, Girls, Go!

(On the ground, Mojo laughs evilly and prepares to fire again, but his aim is thrown off when the girls buzz by him to draw his attention away from causing further damage. He shoots after them. They dodge the blasts, but a near miss for Blossom angers her, and she returns fire with her eye lasers, reducing the cannon to molten sludge in his hands as he stares in disbelief at losing his weapon. Before he can recover from the shock of being disarmed so quickly, Buttercup nails him a good one.)

Mojo: Curse you— (Bubbles decks him.) —Powerpuff— (He flies toward the camera.) —Girls!

(Blossom delivers the finishing blow, and the screen flashes white. When it clears, Mojo is handcuffed and photographed for his mug shot. His fingerprints are taken, and he is thrown into his prison cell. Now he is dressed in convict stripes. Through all this, his face is frozen in a silent scream. He rushes back to the door just before it is slammed shut and stands there, holding the bars and gibbering angrily.)

(A flash of white, after which we see the skyline in the early evening.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville is under attack!

(Pull back quickly to show the upper section of Mojo's observatory, now airborne and firing a laser beam from an emitter mounted on its bottom. Smoke rises from the area he has already destroyed. Inside, he works the controls and laughs evilly at his latest attempt to raze Townsville to the ground. Fighter jets roar across the sky, ground-based missile launchers lock into firing position, and tanks roll through the streets. The flying observatory takes note of these threats—we can see Mojo's eye magnified in the lens of the telescope—and the heavy artillery is brought in: missiles from the jets and launchers, shells from the tanks. He easily blows these out of the sky and lets out an evil laugh within, celebrating his triumph over the military forces called in to shoot him down, but the familiar sound of something flying in and a flash across his display causes him to stop and look nervously at it.)

(Outside, the image of his eye darts about uneasily. Bubbles flies in and does a large semicircle around Mojo's craft, which rotates to keep the telescope on her, just for Buttercup to arrive on the scene and to hit the end of it, knocking it off balance, and Blossom grabs hold of the emitter. She swings the entire vessel around herself several times as if preparing for a hammer throw, then lets it fly into outer space. Inside, Mojo shakes his fists in defeat.)

Mojo: Curse you, Powerpuff Girls!

(The screen flashes white. When it clears, despite what happened to his observatory just moments ago, he is back in Townsville to be once again cuffed, photographed, fingerprinted, and thrown into his prison cell. This time, once he's upright again, his teeth are clenched in anger as he glares out the bars, looking like he's ready to rip the Girls a new one the next time he faces them.)

(Cut to the city skyline, with something very large visible behind it.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville is under attack!

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