Mo' Linguish

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! A succinct city where simple questions are given simple answers.

(Cut to a high court "Hall of Justice", where a judge slams his gavel, ending Mojo's case, charged as guilty.)

Judge: Guilty.

Mojo Jojo: What?! I object! Which is to say that I do not agree with which is that you say, which is incorrect, lacking proper knowledge of the truth, and WRONG. (points in anger) Furthermore―(Mojo gets silenced.)

Judge: (Slams gavel again) ORDER! Due to your obvious failure for rehabilitation, I have decided that the best form of punishment is for you to give back to the community from which you have taken soo much.

Mojo Jojo: Must I pick up garbage?

Judge: (Slams gavel) You, Mojo Jojo, are hereby sentenced to teaching a knowledge extension course at Townsville Community College.

(Mojo stands in his spot, awestruck negatively.)

Mojo Jojo: Nooooooooooo!!! By which I mean, I cannot do it.

(Straight cut to the Community College, where a poster on the wall shows a burger-flipper with the caption, "LEARN GOODER ENGLISH! (ME DID!) AT: TOWNSVILLE LEARNING ANNEX!" Mojo, dressed in a gray business jacket and a tie, bursts through the door grumpily and stalks to his desk. He takes a seat in his chair and the students stare at him. He stares back and looks coldly around.)

Mojo Jojo: Hello, and good evening to you. I am Mojo Jojo, your instructor, and the person who will be teaching you from this point forward. That is to say, (fixes up papers) that as you are here representing the students of the class, I am here representing the teacher of the class, and as it is my job to teach, it is your job to learn. And learning, gain more intelligence that you currently have. Now, what are the names or individual identifications that have been assigned to the lot of you?

(Cut to French student'.)

Philippe: (French accent) Philippe.

Talia: (Italian accent) Talia.

(Cut to another pair of students.)

Enrique: (Hispanic accent) Enrique.

Nadia: (Slavic accent) Nadia.

Ernst: (German accent) Ernst.

Ming: (Chinese accent) Ming.

(Camera travels around the room to the last lot of students.)

Farouk: (Middle Eastern accent) Farouk.

(Camera travels back to Mojo.)

Mojo Jojo: I see. Now as teacher and thus assigner of the grades in this class, if I were to be performing said grading right now at this moment, let me tell you that... (messes up papers) None of you pass!

(All the students gasp in horror and Ming faints. The other students look at Ming, still shocked. The camera goes back to Mojo.)

Mojo Jojo: That is right. In the grading system, I would've assigned you all with an F! Which if I had control of the grading system, I would make it the lowest grade a Z, since that is the final letter in the alphabet which starts with an A and ends with Z. But instead, the letter given to those who do most poorly is an F! Seeing as it goes, (points as he speaks) A, B, C, D, F, with inexplicable skipping of E! Nonetheless, after that pathetic display, all of you would get an F symbolizing failure for your poor use of English!

(Camera travels to Philippe.)

Philippe: Pardon, monsieur. (Raises hand shyly) But all you did was ask of us our names and zat is what we answered with.

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