Pet Feud

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville,

(As he continues, pan slowly along the buildings. In the windows of one of them, we see people sleeping in beds, in armchairs, at desks.)

Narrator: where most folks, after being put through the paces of daily life, have put their dogs up and called it a day.

(Stop on the girls' house in the distance and zoom in.)

Narrator: But for one man, (Close-up of the Professor, seen through a window; he paces with pipe in mouth.) science marches on. (Pause.) How goes it, Pro—

(He glares at the camera and pulls the shade down.)

Narrator: Oh. Well, sir, I can't rightly blame him for wanting his privacy.

(Dissolve to the lab door and pull back as he continues. The sound of tools at work comes from within; the hallway is dark.)

Narrator: For, you see, old Professor has been locked up in that lab going on a week now, working on his latest pet project.

(Dissolve to the open door of the girl's bedroom and zoom in as he continues.)

Narrator: And though they understand the importance of his work,

(Inside, the girls are sitting up in bed. They look sadly at the doorway and each other.)

Narrator: our girls are growing a little concerned.

(Dissolve to the lab door again.)

Narrator: Not to mention, (Pull back; the girls stand in front of it, blankets in hand.) lonely. Especially with (Y/N) having a cold and nobody's allowed inside the (L/N) house except for (B/N) who is taking care of the sick boy.

(Dissolve to the girls asleep on the floor, with their blankets pulled up. Now the hallway is lighted—morning has come. They are shaken awake by the sound of a tremendous explosion from inside the lab; a moment later, the door falls off its hinges and crashes to the floor. The Professor, covered with soot from head to toe, does likewise. His eyes are wide open.)

Professor: (dazed) Girls. Girls! (fully conscious, holding up one hand) I've done it!

(As he says this last, zoom in on the upraised hand. A small ball of red fur sits on this; it has tiny feet, a big smile, and eyes that dart all over the place.)

Professor: (from o.c.) I've created the perfect pet!

(It jumps to the floor in front of the girls, its eyes still moving everywhere. They look down at it with some puzzlement for a moment, but this quickly gives way to smiles and squeals of delight. It follows suit, and they bend over for a closer look as it bounces up and down.)

Blossom: Oh, Professor, he's perfect.

Bubbles: Can we call (Y/N) to show him?

(They all look at the Professor with pleading eyes.)

(The Professor has recovered from the aftereffects of the explosion and is now standing up.)

Professor: Yes. The Biogenetically Engineered Experimental Bipedal Organism, or BEEBO as I like to call him, is perfect in every way. And you can call (Y/N) later when he's feeling better.

(The little furball starts bouncing into and out of view around him as he continues, and the tops of the girls' heads move after it.)

Professor: He knows a variety of tricks. He makes no waste. He will never grow old. He's playful, loving, and not to mention one of the cutest little guys in the world.

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